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Brian Ilten

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Posts posted by Brian Ilten

  1. That won't happen Homebrewer, those two guys are good friends.  Baylor would never show Mike up publicly.  See my previous post.  Baylor and Scioscia have known each other longer than Dipoto has known either one.



    Absolutely disagree.  Baylor will not be a "yes man" to Scioscia... its not in his personality.  Hopefully they are good enough friends that Scioscia will stop, listen, and take it in.  The thing Sciosica has lacked since the departure of Maddon, Black, and Roenicke, is someone that can get in his grill and challenge him.  Without that type of coach helping him, Scioscia is nothing more than a mediocre manager.  And the record proves it.

  2. I'm all for this move but his playing career has little to do with his coaching abilities. 



    Here we go again with absolute ignorance.  If you don't think that players take much from their coaches you need look no further than what Garret Anderson turned into under the tutelage of Rod Carew or more recently how this team hit (or didn't) under Mickey Hatcher.


    Please LT... don't be obtuse.

  3. Scioscia now has 14 seasons under his belt.  In that time the Angels regular season record in March/April is 171-180.    Only one year were the Angels greater than 4 games over .500 (2008).   The last two years the Angels have a record of 17-32 (note - these last two years there has supposedly been considerable effort to turn this around).


    This falls on the manager for not having his team ready to play coming out of the gate.  They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. I would say that some decision maker in the Angels FO is making a case for insanity by allowing Scioscia to continue to manage.

  4. They've really struggled since Ron Roenicke left. In 2010, the Morales injury was devastating, and the team couldn't overcome the loss of Chone Figgins to FA, Wood stuggling mightily at third after Figgins departure. 


    After 2010, Roenicke got the Brewers job. Roenicke and Maddon before him really helped out Scioscia. I wonder if the current bench coach has the same voice with Scioscia the former ones did.



    None of them have the same voice with Scioscia.  Thats the problem.  It started when Maddon and Black left and only got worse when Roenicke left.  They used push him, argue with him, challenge him.  They made him a great manager.  Problem is his ego is bigger than his waistline and he thinks its all him.  So he replaced those guys with a bunch of "yes" men.  #FireThemALL

  5. What am I missing here?!?!?  Arte isn't changing the name unless you count dropping the "of Anaheim" and the lease extension allows him to do it.


    We are the Los Angeles Angels.  Like it or not.


    It has grown on me.  Many back in the ESPN days know of my hatred at the time of the name change.  I have come to embrace it, love it, and shove it in a Dodger fan's face whenever I can.

  6. I would really like the Supreme Court to make some sort of determination on war powers because I am really tired of the executive and legislators fighting about who can do what but Congress would have to sue and they are too cowardly to do that. You would think it would have happened already but maybe Congress thinks it will lose which would really be the only explanation.

    Only way to get that to happen is if a person or group creates a lawsuit against the President and/or congress, I think.

  7. Everything in politics is politically motivated.  That being said, it was still the right thing to do.


    No doubt. Just like the right thing for congress to do, is to listen to their constituents and in turn tell BHO to pound sand.

  8. I think any of the last 6 presidents try to do the same thing (in fact, I'm guessing 5 of those don't even ask congress to approve it).


    It's not the leaders, it's the people behind the leaders (no matter who they are) and the system.



    Don't give BHO too many props for asking congress.  If congress votes it down, he is going to blame it on the republican who love to see women and children die at the hands of evil people.


    Hopefully the American public will call bullshit when he does.

  9. **** this country.

    No Cory.  NOT this country.  The assholes running it.


    Who knows - I have heard there is somewhere between 80% and 85% who oppose BHO and the war mongers who want to make names for themselves.  Maybe, jut maybe, this is the wake up call to the American people that we need real change in leadership to fix this mess.

  10. how come military action seems to be our one and only option? what happened to diplomacy?


    Diplomacy doesn't work when you are dealing with people who love death more than they love life.  There is no diplomacy.  That why I say, stay out of it and let them kill each other.  Its what THEY want.

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