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Everything posted by Stax

  1. Jose Soriano has not pitched above Low A, the odds of him making it to the majors is still remote. Sure the Pirates may end up keeping him, but you do not know how well he will recover from TJ surgery.
  2. How is Ha-seong Kim's defense? Chuck's comment even stated "The big question is whether Kim can play shortstop in the majors, as there's been some chatter that he might have to move to third or second base." Everyone here is clamoring about his offense. Fletcher is not Simmons defensively where the Angles could use Simmons great defense to cover for a second or third base mans defensive flaws.
  3. The question should be does Bauer want to be an Angel? Some say it is all about the money. It depends on where Bauer's priorities are. Bauer is a free agent, it is his choice. Cole was offered similar money by the Angels as the Yankees, but he wanted to be an Yankee.
  4. With the above quote from Albert Pujols: "It is far away." I hope he considers retiring early. He has earned over $100 million in his career. Sure another $20 or so million is nice, but he has to do what is right for the team. He is a prideful man. I hope he understands this. He should do the right thing.
  5. If Jared Walsh is the starting first baseman next year, he could put up similar number to Brandon Belt with better defense.
  6. I hope the Angels do not sign Marcus Semien based upon one very good year like they did with Gary Matthews Jr.
  7. Dylan Bundy since he is coming out of the home run friendly AL East ball parks and joining a better defensive and offensive team.
  8. https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/sports/college/auburn/2019/02/18/how-montgomery-davis-daniel-rediscovered-who-he-pitcher-auburn-baseball-butch-thompson-st-james/2890621002/ A nice article about Davis Daniel
  9. Sign both Wood and Walker. We know Walker is going to be out a while, with the Angels luck, one or two of the starters may get hurt. You can never have enough pitching.
  10. Jake Odorizzi is a possible free agent too. Signed a QO, so the Twins sign him to a new contract or he is a free agent with no QO.
  11. Maybe the Angels should improve their bullpen and outfield, trade for Josh Hader, sign Will Harris and Cole Calhoun, and sign/trade for defensive minded catcher. Try to sign Rich Hill @/or Taijuan Walker to minor league contracts for depth.
  12. It would be nice if Pujols retires after next year and starts his second ten year contract a year early.
  13. I hope Rendon performance for his age 30-37 is on par to Beltre and is not on par to Rolen. Pipe dream Schmitt.
  14. I would like to keep the prospects the Angels have. Sign Keuchel and Bumgarner to short term contracts, 3 or 4 years, and draft a college pitcher in the first round in the next draft, JT Ginn, and hope he, Chris Rodriguez or Jose Soriano will be ready when Keuchel or Bumgarner contact expire.
  15. Jackson looks impressive with all the home runs, but I do not think he is going to hit much better than .250. Trade him if you can something of value.
  16. Would like to see a trade for Jon Gray.
  17. I just hope that Billy Eppler does not do a knee jerk reaction like Tony Reagins did in signing Vernon Wells.
  18. If they cannot sign Cole then they should try to sign Rendon.
  19. The Angels missed out on the Adrian Beltré signing and things went down hill for the Angels for a number of years. The Angels need a third baseman again and they should sign Anthony Rendon and avoid going down hill again .
  20. If the Nationals are signing Strasburg and the Nationals said they can only afford one of the two, Strasburg and Rendon, then the Angels should try to sign Rendon.
  21. This is the year the Angels should go all in. They should sign Gerrit Cole, Stephen Strasburg, Anthony Rendon and Martin Maldonado. It has been mentioned that coming off the books in the next few years is the contracts of Zack Cozart, Albert Pujols, Andrelton A. Simmons and Justin Upton. This would make the Angels a World Series contender and likely winner of a World Series. Bite the bullet financially the next few years and reap the benefits of being a World Series contender in doing so.
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