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  1. Like
    Torridd reacted to Chuck in Mike Trout Hits For The Cycle   
    F yeah!!! 
    This is the type of game to get Trout and the Halos back on track. This is the team I expected to see coming out of the gate to start the season.

  2. Like
    Torridd reacted to Brent Maguire in Bullpen & Rotation About To Come Together   
    Once Blanton is out of the rotation, this team could possibly develop some momentum. Throwing him out there is a guaranteed loss.
  3. Like
    Torridd reacted to bloodbrother in Jean Segura Has Set a Precedent   
    After his breakout season in Low A, he was ranked as high as I think #35 on BP's top 100. Most other places had him in the 50 range, and this was when he was at 2B. The move to SS just upped his value. He was hurt and had a lost season in 2011 which caused him to drop a bit in the rankings, but he most definitely was a highly touted prospect. He was the main piece in the Greinke trade for a reason
    At the time, the trade made sense though. Halos had locked up both their current MIF talents to long term extensions just a few months prior(Aybar and Kendrick), so they really had nowhere for Segura to play. It sucks to see Segura exploding and turnign into one of the more dynamic SS's in MLB, but I don't blame the Halos for the decision. They had their 2b/SS locked up and needed another good arm for the stretch run in hopes of makin the playoffs
  4. Like
    Torridd reacted to Chuck in Jean Segura Has Set a Precedent   
    This is tired conversation on here. Not to mention, this is just another guy's opinion. 
    I would have traded for Greinke even knowing what Segura would do the following season. 
    Anytime you have a chance to add a player that can help you get to the playoffs and go far, plus have a good chance to re-sign him, you do it. 
  5. Like
    Torridd reacted to Brandon in LA Times: Owner Arte Moreno willing to take blame for Angels' slow start   
    He's right, but it won't suffice for the numbnutz here to continually post about cleaning house. Arte really put his neck on the line with the big name free agents to bring a perennial contender here but they are letting him down.
  6. Like
    Torridd reacted to Hoops McCann in Who's in?   
    a bad day at the ballpark is still better than a good day at work...
    Sounds like something Yogi Berra would have said.
  7. Like
    Torridd reacted to T.G. in Who's in?   
    I hate losing.  I'm as frustrated as anyone and yet I haven't missed going to a home game yet this season.  I've been reading all the rants and quite frankly - I just want to know who's still in this thing.  I know you're out there.  I know that even though you're frustrated, you're not going anywhere and I'd just like to see you stand up and be counted in this thread.
    This isn't life or death stuff... it's baseball, but if you love baseball like I love baseball, then you probably want a place where you can rally around others.  This thread is it.
    I know (boy do I know) - there will be many who will try to rain on this parade - but that's ok. 
    If you're like me - you haven't responded to all the negativity and quite frankly some of the nonsense because you know it's pointless.  And yet... you want to be heard... you want to express yourself and let everyone know that you're still here to watch and cheer and not disappear.  You don't have to suffer in silence. 
    I want to be surrounded by others who aren't giving up and not so bent on pointing fingers.  There's plenty of other places to do that, but here; in this thread - it's about rallying together.  It's about ignoring the crap and focusing on the games.  We embrace the "one game at a time" mentality and we're proud of it.  We're willing to turn the page rather than relive it over and over again.
    I know you're out there.  Who's with me?
  8. Like
    Torridd reacted to Chris in They have done the impossible...   
    Apathy is starting to settle in a bit...
  9. Like
    Torridd reacted to LightTheHalo in They have done the impossible...   
    Talk to your dad about what it was like to be a fan of the Angels from 1987-2001.
  10. Like
    Torridd reacted to Lifetime in Insane   
    I don't think you can obsolve Jerry in this Chuck. 
  11. Like
    Torridd reacted to mtangelsfan in Arte's Marketing Genius   
    Here is what is funny to me.  The one whole season and this small season are the two that Dipoto has been gm and they have sucked big donkey balls.
    At least Sosh has a track record of success.  How can anyone argue that Dipoto is some great baseball mind when he has no record to prove that.  I remember a poster talking about looking at the scoreboard.  Well I am looking at the scoreboard and so far Dipoto is a fail.  Bad FA contracts, bad pitching acquisitions and a bad team.
    I also giggle at the notion that Dipoto is somehow not doing what he wants.  He chose to be here with Sosh as the manager.  He agreed and if there was some kind of statement from Arte that Sosh would not be fired, which I highly doubt, then he came here with his eyes wide open.
    Dipoto may end up successful, but so far he's done nothing to prove that will be.
  12. Like
    Torridd reacted to bdavis621 in Arte's Marketing Genius   
    I want to see some fire from this team.  I would love to hear a player or coach say "We stink". 
  13. Like
    Torridd reacted to Fontana Halo in This team is in trouble - and there are no quick fixes   
    Yes. That's literally their job description.
  14. Like
    Torridd reacted to m0nkey in An off year for Trout looming ??   
    Hard to have an off year when you've only had one other year
  15. Like
    Torridd reacted to jshep in Callaspo to DL - Kohn up   
    Trading him based on a week or so of solid play from Jimenez?
    What could possibly go wrong there.
  16. Like
    Torridd reacted to Angel Oracle in Poll: Biggest responsibility for past 3+ seasons?   
    My thinking on voting for Arte is that this is a total cluster blankety-blank from farm to MLB.
    Arte is the one who oversees everything. and has become waaaay too 1980s Steinbrenner like.
  17. Like
    Torridd reacted to Angel Oracle in Jerry Dipoto   
    YofT hit on it. Arte gets significant blame in all of this.
  18. Like
    Torridd reacted to Angel Oracle in Poll: Biggest responsibility for past 3+ seasons?   
    I am leaning towards Arte Moreno.
  19. Like
    Torridd reacted to bloodbrother in We're not this bad   
    They aren't this bad, but the issue is just how good are they?
  20. Like
    Torridd reacted to Docwaukee in How do you fix this team?   
    case in point
    gm 1 - great pen W
    gm 2 - downs gets the loss
    gm 4 - downs gets the loss
    gm 6 - pen enters down 4-3.  Makes it 7-3.  game over
    gm 7 - pen comes in up 5-4.  Lose 9-5
    gm 8 - pen enters down 5-4 and makes it 10-4.  game over
    gm 9 - pen enters down 3-1 and an inning later, it 6-1.  game over
    the pen has played a major role in 7 of our 9 games. We are 1-6 in those games.   
  21. Like
    Torridd reacted to Richard in Silver Linings: April 10th, 2013 Edition   
    Please just win tomorrow and take the series against Houston.
  22. Like
    Torridd reacted to Blarg in Silver Linings: April 9th, 2013 Edition   
    Classy move.
  23. Like
    Torridd reacted to Blarg in Silver Linings: April 9th, 2013 Edition   
    That 1/2 game lead is really like holding on to the lifeboat guardrail after the Titanic sinks. Until someone pulls you in your still dead in the water.
  24. Like
    Torridd reacted to Sully151 in Booted from the Big A for cheering the team on?   
    If only she had a place to bring this story to the greater public. Something like a round table discussion on a late night talk show where the round table guests talk about things that have happened in their lives and such. I bet if it made it to TV, Arte might take notice. His team is already pretty embarrassing, I would hate for the fan experience at his stadium to become that too.
  25. Like
    Torridd reacted to James in Weaver out 4-6 weeks with broken elbow   
    So by skipping him on off days and say he misses 6 weeks, he will miss 7 starts (would have had 8-9). 
    Those teams:
    Astros (2)-We have to have someone who can beat them
    White Sox
    I see no reason why we shouldn't win four of those games. The issue will be in the bullpen, Richards has been a key component early on. 
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