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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. You do have something better to do TD. Those used cars aren't going to sell themselves.
  2. It was a joke mt. Not great obviously but a joke nonetheless.
  3. I've always appreciated how generous Fox is when they give strippers day jobs.
  4. Religion of Pieces seems more appropriate these days. That's all I have to contribute to this thread right now.
  5. Just when you thought 2016 couldn't get any worse, it kicks you in the nuts again and then proceeds to steal your wallet.
  6. Can any of them play left? Actually throw all three of them out there at the same time.
  7. "Quite the hard drive you got there." I'm out.
  8. I loved Trumbo while he was here. Some seem to forget though that he seemed to be literally guessing what pitch was next with no recognition whatsoever. Pitchers caught on eventually. Does anyone remember him swinging at pitches over his head? Don't get me wrong, I would love to have him back but we were kinda blah about him leaving especially with the haul we thought we were getting back.
  9. I agree. He's not overrated.
  10. Napoli was a good player for the Angels and I've gotten over the decision the organization made. It's not 2013 anymore and it's about time some people get over it. Focus on Pujols being fat.
  11. We'd be more surprised if that didn't just happen.
  12. I like Joe and wish he had never left the organization. The obsession by some on this board with him make him somewhat annoying.
  13. Does Trump take the sticker off his hat? Inquiring minds want to know.
  14. So for Asians, six inches is Dirk Diggler territory? The more you know.
  15. Don't worry ten. Six inches is still average. That's what I tell myself at least.
  16. Lou agrees........oh you meant something else.
  17. I want some brownies...not the Hispanic kind.
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