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Everything posted by HaloMilliVanilli

  1. New York is better prepared for a move to get Drummond. They have players that they could give up and picks to trade. We don't necessarily, at least not players that we'd want to give up. Trading for him or signing him once he's bought out are two drastically different deals. Only way this works for us is if Drummond has a no-trade and wants to have an opportunity to win. I guess.
  2. ^^^ This is IF he gets bought out, correct? Is that a certainty at this point, or just speculation?
  3. Was at the Big A in 85? to see Detroit in town. Kirk Gibson hit a laser to straight center off Kirk McCaskill (I think it was his first ever start, just brought up) that didn't seem like it got over 15 feet off the ground. I got the feeling that day that Gibson might one day do something magical.
  4. I remember watching this game with some of my buddies, all of whom are Dodgers and Angels fans (probably bigger Dog fans). Bonds comes up and I say "I wouldn't pitch to him, just put him on". They all thought Gagne was the shit and said "Nah". That dude was in another stratosphere. Roids or no, I loved watching that guy hit.
  5. https://www.silverscreenandroll.com/2021/2/5/22268546/lakers-stats-talen-horton-tucker-montrezl-harrell-pairing-lineup-minutes-frank-vogel#
  6. I did too, but I didn't want to make myself a target for scorn. Good job, JB.
  7. Lou, how much do you generally charge for your life coaching? Super impactful and efficient.
  8. I thought I saw somewhere that a portion of the Angels cost on Cobb is going to be deferred. Does that impact what we can still spend this season or alter what goes toward the cap?
  9. I would take it as a compliment if someone named themselves HaloMillierVanillier. Actually, that just rolls right off the tongue. I might have to change to that. I might be due anyways.
  10. Oooh, it's riddle time at Angelswin. I like it. Not sure what has me more intrigued, this Cobb trade/feelings toward it OR Stradlers relationship to Stradling!
  11. A man cannot live on Milli Vanilli alone. TG, you know it's true!
  12. Tough call. Fuck Tom Brady or Fuck KC, the hated AFC West rival attempting the back to back.
  13. Man, KCP just seems automatic from the corners on 3's right now. Hope that continues, but probably not at the 50% + that he has shot thus far. Really helps to keep the lanes open when teams can't sag off of him. Team looked really good vs. Bucks on the road yesterday. Not perfect, especially only 15 games or so in on a new season, but pretty good all things considered. Gonna be a fun year.
  14. I like the hiring of Staley. By all accounts he is some sort of football savant, liked by players and coaches. I hope he has some input on roster construction and can instruct Telesco to: 1. Fix the O-line (kick Trai Turner to the the curb; sign a couple of FA's; draft 2-3 OL); 2. Fix the special teams (new coach there plus sign/draft a few guys who can excel here while having roles elsewhere too); 3. Figure out what to do with Mike Williams (he'll cost too much this upcoming season, so either cut him/trade him/re-sign him at lower cost). Ultimately, if we can run the ball better, we'll hold on to the ball for more plays each game. Keeps D fresher and shortens the game. Special teams improvement forces opponent to drive further, reducing likely points allowed, and potentially improves field position for our offense. These 2 adjustments/improvements alone should add a W or 2.
  15. I, for one, would be super leery when/if Mr. Rivers attempts to walk up under center moving forward.
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