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Everything posted by Don

  1. Somebody will hit a Ranger at some point in this game. You don't let your best player get hit four times in two days and just let it go.
  2. I still watch the show but view it more like a summer action movie than a great series. The shitty Deus Ex Machina with the CIA a few seasons back was when I gave up on it ever being really good. But it's fun to watch a couple gunfights and car chases every week. Not to mention, the show absolutely kills it on the music front.
  3. Yeah, I'm a bit bothered by the industry giants trying to cash in on the craft brew game. I mean, they totally have a right to; but half the fun of drinking craft beers is finding something you really like from a smaller outfit and supporting it. It's the ultimate capitalist ideal: Make a great product and people will buy it. So yeah, if the big guys want to do this, then I guess they will; but I'll still stick to Tallgrass and Founder's.
  4. Aren't there people in military uniform at like every high school? I seem to remember recruiters from the Army, Marines, Air Force, and Navy at my high school just about every day. We all managed to deal with the emotional stress.
  5. Too yoked to stroke?... Baseballs of course.
  6. Eventually, teams and leagues will realize that if there is a camera and or phone around, it will eventually go public. It's obviously best to react appropriately before that happens. The old school sweep it under the rug mentality doesn't apply any more... At least without some serious PR backlash liability. Obviously, the NFL/Ravens didn't handle this well, but neither did the local DA. I don't understand how you see that video and say, "I don't think we can prosecute that."
  7. I'd be fine with radical Islam being relegated to what Nazism has become. I'd call that a win.
  8. It worked pretty well against the Nazis.
  9. That's not the show of force I'm talking about. In fact those are the half measures that I'm so against. What I'm saying is that we've treated the Middle East with kid gloves for the last several decades, which is why these groups legitimately believe they can defeat us. And they will over and over again if we don't put our foot on the pedal eventually. If we want to stop these guys, they need to be absolutely frightened by us.
  10. I can accept that argument. It's reasonable and something I think a lot of Americans agree with. Blame will be important historically, and it may be better to let the people of that area solve it on their own if they can. I tend to have a somewhat reactionary view that if we show the true might of our force with a message of "we won't accept this" it can serve as a future warning.
  11. That is logically true. I'm just not sure what you want. If we do nothing, innocent people will die. If we choose to win, innocent people will die. If we continue with our current strategy, innocent people will die. It's a ****ed up situation in an imperfect world. Sorry man.
  12. It's just my view on war. I hope there is never another one. I really do. Because you usually have to kill a ton of innocent people to win. It's just the unfortunate reality of how these things work. Therefore, we have to make a decision. Is it in our best interest to let this go unabated? It might be. Maybe as technology and internet culture spreads, everyone in IS held areas is wearing jeans and t-shirts twenty years from now. But if we do decide that it's in our best interest to destroy IS, we have to go all the way because it's the only thing that works. And that's the way it's been throughout human history. I'm totally fine with either strategy, but I can't get behind current strategy that is certain to be ineffective.
  13. This is where I disagree. We are totally capable of it, but we lack the will because we don't want to deal with the collateral damage that is inherent with a "real" offensive. We could start by flattening Raqqa, which would kill thousands of innocent people along with a lot of IS fighters, then spend several weeks or months just destroying anything that goes outside or gets in a vehicle in IS held areas. What we're doing now absolutely will not work, because we are just going after militants when they attempt to advance. We're effectively just hitting the pause button on their advance. To actually win, we have to make it an environment so horrific that the people of the area, including IS, will do anything just to make the suffering stop.
  14. I'm fine with just leaving it alone too. But we can't just pretend to fight this group, which is what we're doing now. Either we let everyone handle their own business or we actually show what we're capable of and shut IS down.
  15. I think it's time for around the clock, indiscriminate bombing of the IS controlled area. Anything that moves dies. I mean straight up WWII style, but a bit more efficient. There is no reasoning with these guys, and there is no way to just tactically defeat them. We have to be willing to kill everyone, and probably a whole lot of innocent people too. That's my view. Leave it alone and let IS and the people of that area solve or not solve it themselves, or just hulk up and destroy both the will and ability of the IS. No half measures.
  16. Admittedly, it'd be a bit difficult to just sneak an airliner or eleven from Libya to Britain. Or from Libya to anywhere outside of the Middle East really.
  17. So what's that now, 22 straight scoreless innings? Is it more? Who would've ever thought.
  18. Shoe should've just made out with Alex Curry, dropped the mic, stared into the camera then walked into the clubhouse. He's that swagtastic at this point.
  19. Lol... Six years between Herrera's last two wins.
  20. Chris just did that to teach a lesson to the ball that tried to crush his larynx earlier.
  21. Yep, any catcher that calls a decent game and puts up a .370 OBP is pretty valuable.
  22. True, but I'd rather play them than any of the other contenders. Any team that makes the playoffs will be good, but it seems like KC has the most potential weaknesses.
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