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Everything posted by Don

  1. Sad. Dude was responsible for two of the funniest skits in the history of TV. Bringing that kind of joy to so many people is a great legacy to leave behind really.
  2. Also, how does one post a pic from an iPhone on here?
  3. I'm a fan of the aussies really. They are notoriously tough puppies to deal with, but I've met several that were super smart and very well-behaved. They just need something to do at pretty much all times. Bored aussies become bad aussies.
  4. Totally understood. I just view it as paying to have someone show me the best way to train my dog on my own. We have quite a bit of stuff down already, but I could use some guidance on some problem areas. I definitely don't expect any trainer to "fix him". It's more a matter of just learning new strategies that might work better than what I'm currently doing. I may have also been overstating some of the problems. For instance, he's great in crowds of people (i.e. He just sits and lets people pet him, and is very peaceful). It's mainly that at home situation where we have a guest over, or my gf shows up, and he gets super excited about having new people around. If it were just him and I all the time, he'd be great besides wanting to walk way faster than me when on the leash.
  5. I knew going in that it would take a lot of effort. We spend a lot of time outside walking/playing every day, and we usually spend a good amount of time at the dog park on the weekends. I'm sure he'd still like to do more, but I'm pretty serious about making sure his exercise needs are met. That said, getting a professional trainer for a couple of sessions would probably be beneficial in correcting some of his less desirable behaviors.
  6. Oddly he's super well-behaved when off the leash. I've walked him like that a few times when it was super late and snowy. In that case, he stays super close and listens very well.
  7. Is there an official dogs thread yet? I feel like there was, but maybe it was on an older version of the board. I'm hoping this can be a thread for random dog related posts, tips, info, etc... I've currently got a 1 year old Border Collie/Australian Shepherd mix. Awesome dog in many respects. Super intelligent, very friendly. I have three issues though... First, he's a terrible puller when walking on a leash. Second, he jumps on people, though usually only in the house (not in public). Third, he has a tendency to bite. Not in a hard or aggressive way, just kind of grabbing on to someone's hand to try to "herd" them (more accurately to guide them to the toys he'd like to play with). Any tips on how to deal with those things would be appreciated.
  8. Still hasn't happened. I keep telling the other guys involved to get the money together, show me a prelim sketch, then schedule it. I'll show up when they do. I think they might feel a bit bad about it. But a bet's a bet.
  9. Also had a big issue with the Supreme Court. Fascinating life story for sure, but I'd say he's in the running for our worst ever President based upon the Supreme Court issue alone. Could've effectively dismantled the whole checks and balances system while we were still a very young nation.
  10. Just my opinion/preference, but I rather enjoy people with knowledge of the books using that to kind of frame the show for those of us that are just watchers. Kinda helps with getting some high-level perspective.
  11. I actually read all of those in the voice of a bitchy unemployed soccer mom from La Jolla.
  12. I'd like to see how he does in the first half this year. The drop off from 2015 to 2016 was a bit frightening.
  13. I'd throw KC in there. The ballpark itself is fine, but the food service is really really bad (wasn't the case ten years ago), and if you're driving from KC proper you get a very interesting tour of the east side of KC (think a way sadder Compton).
  14. This might be the warmest February I can recall living in the Midwest. I love it, but it seems like we've had pretty easy winters for two years in a row now (not out of the woods yet... March can be horrible some years). It just feels like we've gotta be in for a horrific one next year. We've really only had one or two rough weeks this year.
  15. All true. Just imagining a perfect world scenario.
  16. Diet is everything. Working out obviously can't hurt, but if you want to shred pounds try limiting yourself to 1,500 calories a day of nothing but healthy fats (i.e almonds), lean proteins (i.e. chicken), and vegetables. I dropped 50 in six months doing that and a roughly 15 minute daily body weight workout a few years back.
  17. I keep mine simple. Five on top, three on the sides. Because of that, any $10 haircut from Great Clips or wherever works fine for me. Usually get one every three or four months. Basically, I'm lazy and cheap. Note: I haven't even shaved since last May.
  18. I feel the same way. That said, I wish they did it in the middle of the season. Just take that year's American all-stars and let them be our team. I think that'd be a lot more fun. I still enjoy it in its present form, but it could be improved.
  19. War Dogs - 6/10 Solid movie, and an insane story. I read the Rolling Stone article that the movie is based on when the story first came out, and the movie just doesn't live up to the quality of the article IMO. That said, it's still enjoyable to watch, though you kinda hate a lot of the main characters (which is kinda the point I think).
  20. I'm a telecommunications engineer. It's a fun job. I get to wear a lot of different hats, have to learn constantly, and generally feel like what I'm doing is a good thing for the world.
  21. Hank Aaron is another one. But Hank maintained a ridiculous level of consistency for roughly twenty years, then faded a bit in his last three or so years. His BR page is absolutely crazy to look at.
  22. Thanks for the analysis. Perhaps I was a bit out of range in my assessment. While I fully defer to the numbers you've pointed out, I do think there's a general trend in baseball lore to oversell the careers of power guys a bit and undersell the table setter/speed guys.
  23. One could make a solid case that he had one of the ten or so best careers ever for a position player.
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