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    HALOS23 reacted to nate in When do you predict our farm will move out of the cellar?   
    I love that you ignore that it started five years prior to his hire.
  2. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to Blarg in When do you predict our farm will move out of the cellar?   
    I really don't care what the farm system ranking is as long as it can provide the team with a flow of quality MLB players. Having an overstock of lean ground beef is not the same as a couple good steaks.
  3. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to zenmaster in Pujols playing through messed up legs - has plantar fasciitis again   
    Last year - Albert sucks. Leaves everyone stranded on base. Can't handle pressure situations. Not clutch. 
    This year - Albert sucks. Risp and RBIs are false stats. He doesn't play D And hits too many homers and not enough doubles and triples. 
  4. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to Blarg in Pujols playing through messed up legs - has plantar fasciitis again   
    Please quit being a fucktard and trying to act so Sabermetric smart.  RISP production is how you win games. To argue otherwise is just being an ass.
  5. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to Oz27 in Another WAR record for Trout   
    With his three-hit game in Toronto, Mike Trout became the Angels' all-time bWAR leader for position players. His 46.0 mark now tops Jim Fregosi's 45.9, using the Baseball-Reference WAR model. It's incredible how dominant he is on that list too. He is 11.1 WAR ahead of fifth place (Bobby Grich), more than double 10th place (Vladimir Guerrero) and more than three times ahead of 20th place (Devon White). All that is left for him now is highest WAR overall for the Angels, which is still held by Chuck Finley (52.2). Barring injury or a big decline, Trout will pass that next season.
    Fangraphs WAR is even more generous to Trout. He has held the highest Angel position player mark there for awhile and is now 2.9 ahead of Fregosi and just 0.5 behind Finley for the overall lead.
    One mark which he might pass in the remaining month of the season is the highest bWAR for a player through their age 24 season. He's now in second place, behind only Ty Cobb (46.7). Behind him on the list are some of the best players in baseball history. 3-10 on the list of position players with the highest WAR through their age 24 season is Mantle, Rodriguez, Griffey, Ott, Hornsby, Foxx, Arky Vaughan and Williams. Trout has topped all of them and might jump ahead of Cobb too.
    So in case you hadn't noticed, Mike Trout is really really awesome.
  6. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to Troll Daddy in Gameday Thread: Angels @ Blue Jays 8/25   
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    HALOS23 reacted to Angels#1Fan in Gameday Thread: Angels @ Blue Jays 8/25   
    Concur but..
    Be careful when you criticize Scioscia, it could result in a customary daily rant. 
  8. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to John Smith in Matt Swanson, their new scouting director   
    Jeff Fletcher ‏@JeffFletcherOCR 5s5 seconds ago New Angels scouting director Matt Swanson is 6-8, so there's a competitive advantage that he'll be able to block scouts sitting behind him
  9. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to fan_since79 in Heyman: Execs have no idea why Scioscia still employed   
    We also have people on here that dismiss every criticism of Scioscia's managerial record as hateful attacks and/or idiotic ramblings.
  10. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to FabulousFabregas in Heyman: Execs have no idea why Scioscia still employed   
    The events of a meaningless game like last night mean nothing.  Games in Williamsport have more stakes than in Anaheim right now.  Like I've mentioned on here, The Fat Man has had a terrible track record in this decade of awful bullpen management and sticking with veterans too long when the games actually matter and we have competitive teams.  These techniques without a doubt cost us a trip to the playoffs in 2012, and I believe last year as well.  Hitting Josh Hamilton cleanup in the playoffs in 2014 was inexcusable as well.  Going back to 2011, his hard on for Mathis and hatred for Napoli may have cost us a playoff appearance that year as well.
    He needs to be fired so that if we actually do have a contending team in the next couple of years, we don't have a manager with antiquated techniques and awful judgment.  Scioscia was once a good manager, but his time here should have run its course years ago.
  11. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to Docwaukee in Heyman: Execs have no idea why Scioscia still employed   
    I'd be curious to know who you think that is.  Most defend again him against the unnecessary lack of respect and absurd extremes of which they complain about him.  
    I doubt that anyone thinks he's great except Troll Daddy.  
  12. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to fan_since79 in Heyman: Execs have no idea why Scioscia still employed   
    "Mike Scioscia is a great manager and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about."
    - certain posters here. Not many, but some.
  13. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to ScruffytheJanitor in Heyman: Execs have no idea why Scioscia still employed   
    This may shock you, but-- in terms of Managerial duties-- Scioscia just does not have that much of an impact on outcomes of games. Not because he's good, bad or average, but because, by and large, Managers just don't impact the outcomes of games all that much. While he sometimes makes weird decisions, he's always been pretty good at managing a bullpen-- one of the most direct applications of in-game management. Further more,  I actually like Scioscia's strategy (aggressive approach and that whole deal) is great for the right team. 
    Don't misunderstand me; I would like a new manager. I think his tactical approach is often wanting, and if half the stuff that came out with the DiPoto departure are true, he probably should have been fired on the spot. The fact that he will fall in love with certain player/ coaches that are CLEARLY inferior (Hatcher/ Mathis, come on down) is enough to give him the boot. What REALLY irks me is that he seems to have a lot of control over how the Angels run their franchise-- and, while that's probably common, it's just not something Scioscia does very well at all. 
  14. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to California Cajun in Heyman: Execs have no idea why Scioscia still employed   
    I think Arte might cut the cord if his contract was up for renewal at the end of the season. 
    Owners are ultimately loyal to themselves.  I learned that when I lost my 31-year-job.
    Having said that, you can't blame Scioscia for this season.  You can blame him and Arte for Dipoto's leaving.  The GM must outrank the manager.   
    This business model ultimately has to be corrected. 
  15. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to ten ocho recon scout in Trout is better than Griffey Jr.   
    As the obvious worst fat thumbs misp3l73r here, i approve of calling jr "giraffe" from this point forward
  16. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to JAHV76 in Angels Claim LHP Brett Oberholtzer   
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    HALOS23 reacted to Troll Daddy in Angels Claim LHP Brett Oberholtzer   
    We don't have control ... only opinions. Sometimes you just have to 'roll with the punches ' and enjoy the game for what it is. 
    Lighten up my friend
  18. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to Ohtaniland in Angels Claim LHP Brett Oberholtzer   
    Calzone really isn't a fan of what's happened to this organization. It's disappointing.
  19. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to FabulousFabregas in Gameday Thread: Angels @ Indians 8/11 4:10   
    Blame the Fat Man and all of that propaganda he and Lyle Spencer put out there.
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    HALOS23 reacted to beatlesrule in Alden Gonzalez is Leaving MLB/Angels   
    He's quitting the Angels just like Dipoto!!  He had enough of Scioscia bossing him around.
  22. Like
    HALOS23 got a reaction from ten ocho recon scout in Angel games you kind of remember, wonder if anyone else does   
    Great thread reading all these memories from every one's perspective. 
    So many games to remember... The GA 10 RBI game, Torii Hunter 3 HR game vs Padres, Clinching playoff spot & the whole team going out to the outfield wall to Adenhart's picture... That was chilling. 
    I remember a 2001 game that I attended vs Yankees where Eck got a game winning hit vs Rivera. Eck battled and lifted a little liner to right to win. Place went nuts. Good times
  23. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to Taylor in Angel games you kind of remember, wonder if anyone else does   
    This may have been mentioned in this thread already, but that game when Ramon Ortiz out-dueled Pedro Martinez. I think the Angels won 1-0 (on a solo home run by Orlando Palmeiro, if memory serves), and Ortiz threw a CG shutout. 
  24. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to Stradling in Angel games you kind of remember, wonder if anyone else does   
    I've been to a few cool games over the years.  Obviously most of the 2002 run I was there in person.  I also was at Carew and Brett's 3,000 th hit games.  I was at Figgy's six hit game.  I was at the game where the Griffey's each hit a homer.  I vaguely remember another game that season where our starter threw a one hitter against the M's I believe it was Willie Frazier and the one hit if I'm not mistaken was a home run by Griffey Jr.  I saw us clinch it in 1986.  I've also been to the last 23 opening days.  One of those went extra innings and Salmon ended it with a walk off homer, against the Indians.  I've mentioned this before but I didn't go to the Adenhart game because I had gone the two previous nights and I didn't want my young son staying up that late again on a school night, so my tickets went unused.  However I remember the following game, most emotional experience I've ever felt at the stadium ever.  
  25. Like
    HALOS23 reacted to ten ocho recon scout in Angel games you kind of remember, wonder if anyone else does   
    More recent, trumbos walkoff against the skanks in 12. Game seasawed, weaver left esrly in like the 1st with back pain (and went on the DL). Ny put up a few runs and game looked over. Angels clawed back, i think trumbo went like 4-5 with a few rbi extra base hits. Then hit the big walk off in the 9th. One of the best games ive ever been to
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