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  1. Like
    LAAMike reacted to Crampknees in Trumped   
    Trump showing Melanie his greatest chapter 11 of all time. 

  2. Like
    LAAMike reacted to UndertheHalo in 2020 Democratic Field   
    Folks like this don’t have a problem with Trumps policies mostly.  Which are a perfect crystallization of conservative ideology over the last 50 years.  
    they dislike the aesthetics.  That’s it.  He’s vulgar and rude.  
    anyway, everyone should vote their conscience. 
  3. Like
    LAAMike reacted to angelinkc in 2020 Democratic Field   
    Huge issue with the Democrat platform is they won't use the system we have in place. We have by design a country that should have limited federal powers and optimal state /local government. The states have sold out a lot for federal money and grown the federal laws for years. We can ultimately return power to the states but libs won't support it. If you want high taxes, alternative lifestyles, late term abortion , and poop in the streets go for it.
    Do it in California, New York and anywhere you have the majority. Leave that giant red area alone. I can let libs as they wish and not care, The problem is the same respect of freedoms and opinions is not returned. The dems know they don't have the money to sustain their BS without stealing mine. They seek social acceptance for a lot of abnormal behaviors. I really don't understand their quest for social approval. Most don't believe in God and my approval don't mean shit. Quit trying  to force normal people to accept  and pay for all the BS. Lets agree to to defend our borders and freedoms against all enemies. I'll fight for your right to blow men if you respect my right to think it is wrong. 
  4. Like
    LAAMike reacted to angelinkc in Trumped   
    They still are a monarchy although the royal family is mainly title only. The idea of self government did not originate in the United states but we were the first to pull it off and last. The American Revolution spread through Europe like wildfire. Modern day British government took a lot more from us than we took from them.
  5. Like
    LAAMike reacted to Halofan26 in Angels Spring Training impressions   
    Like I told Chuck:
    Ok.....here's the take so far....Upton looks fantastic. And I hate that dude 😂 Trout looks....well...like Trout. Simmons and his fielding speed just baffles me. When you are 10 feet from him, he seems even faster. Ohtani literally ROCKED BP yesterday. Launched 6-7 bombs OVER the 437 mark in CF. Bundy looks like a fish out of water, like he's just visiting. Heaney looks ace-like but we both know that's not happening. Barria is the worst looking pitcher. Dude looks like he packed on 17 Del Taco burritos about a week before camp. 
  6. Like
    LAAMike reacted to angelinkc in Trumped   
    Glad to see someone say this about the election. I am sure we disagree on politics but it is better to debate ideas than to continue to push false criminal narratives to achieve ideas. I believe had the Dems played nice with Trump they could have moved him to left on many issues. He is not a hard core conservative by nature. I believe the constant lies and attacks have push him towards the right and made him a martyr to his base. A little bit of wall would have  achieved an amnesty deal early on. 
  7. Like
    LAAMike reacted to UndertheHalo in Trumped   
    I think it’s 100% factual that there are troll farms or something similar to them operating all over the world with the specific purpose of trying to influence American political winds.  I think the Russians do it, I think the Chinese do it, the Saudis do it the Israelis do it.  All over the world I think that foreign intelligence agencies do this stuff.  They do it because it can’t be stopped and because it sort of works.  
    is it any worse that what the United States does to interfere in foreign counties ? No.  
    Anything beyond that, there’s no useable evidence.  And until there is, continuously banging that drum is pointless.  
  8. Like
    LAAMike reacted to Vegas Halo Fan in Astros player suspended for 162 games   
    My idea is to have 4-5 guys banging trash cans at every Astros road game with t-shirts that say "Houston Astros Marching Band". Have them wander the concourses playing between innings. Entertain the crowd.
  9. Like
    LAAMike reacted to Adam in 2020 Democratic Field   
    Yang was the most decent human running. Yang reminded me a bit of Herman Cain and his 9-9-9 plan. Catchy simple key policy for people to get behind. Yang Gang people are social media (aside from soliciting money all the time) are reasonable and cordial. 
  10. Like
    LAAMike reacted to Adam in Trumped   
  11. Like
    LAAMike reacted to Jason in Trumped   
    He’s an ambassador and serves at the pleasure of the president. They can be removed for any reason and without cause 
  12. Like
    LAAMike reacted to tdawg87 in Trumped   
    That's because he shits in a urinal.
  13. Like
    LAAMike got a reaction from Tank in Trumped   
    I also object to the press referring to these events as firings.  The Vindmans were transferred.  The twin Vindmans are in the military where transfers and reassignments are common.  Ambassador Sondman definitely serves at the will of the POTUS/ 
  14. Sad
    LAAMike got a reaction from RallyMo in Trumped   
    I also object to the press referring to these events as firings.  The Vindmans were transferred.  The twin Vindmans are in the military where transfers and reassignments are common.  Ambassador Sondman definitely serves at the will of the POTUS/ 
  15. Sad
    LAAMike got a reaction from Taylor in Trumped   
    I also object to the press referring to these events as firings.  The Vindmans were transferred.  The twin Vindmans are in the military where transfers and reassignments are common.  Ambassador Sondman definitely serves at the will of the POTUS/ 
  16. Like
    LAAMike reacted to Blarg in Trumped   
  17. Like
    LAAMike reacted to tomsred in Pederson/Stripling deal is DEAD. MOVE ON.   
    The Dodgers and Angels are Allies now in the war against Houston and Boston.  After Houston and Boston are defeated then we will be back into a war with them.
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    LAAMike reacted to the dude abides in Trumped   
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    LAAMike reacted to tdawg87 in Trumped   
    Didn't think I'd actually jerk off to the Trump thread but here we are.
  21. Like
    LAAMike reacted to Tank in Trumped   
    i won't try to defend trump's actions - they speak for themselves.
    my complaint is that there has been so much vitriol thrown at him that there were people talking about impeaching him before he was even inaugurated. IMHO, the top priority of the left has been to toss him out as a way to undo the election results. they hate him so much that that's the entire focus of their work in DC.
  22. Like
    LAAMike reacted to Blarg in Trumped   
    Because the Iranian military can't follow commercial airline traffic on their radar? Do you even, just for a brief moment, think about how stupid your post is before hitting submit? 
  23. Like
    LAAMike reacted to St1ck in Trumped   
    You're confusing red dots, with feathers again.
  24. Like
    LAAMike reacted to Adam in Trumped   
    The end result of democracy
  25. Like
    LAAMike reacted to wopphil in Trumped   
    I despise Trump and am critical of him over almost everything. However - and with the caveat that I am no middle east expert - I applaud the president for showing some balls here. He killed one of the world's leading terrorists, and in the process sent the message that (1) he isn't going to fuck around with Iran and let their transgressions go unchecked, and (2) he is a little fucking crazy and willing to do crazy shit (which begs the question of what else might he do if/when Iran retaliates).
    There is a reason people don't fuck with Russia - Putin is a crazy bastard who isn't afraid to play dirty. Maybe Trump has shown the world he is equally willing to play dirty, unlike past U.S. presidents. Maybe it is time to stop appeasing nations like Iran and instead start slapping them back.
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