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Everything posted by DowningRules

  1. What Brandon's trying to say is, it's a European walk. Not a walk an American would make.
  2. Is there a clause in the new law that says those who earn minimum wage can have a maximum of 1 child? That might actually have a more profound affect on the poverty level for LA.
  3. Met a "Strider" or "Stryder" a couple weeks ago. A boy. I hunch he will become a motorcycle enthusiast and end up joining a biker gang and dining in a Twin Peaks restaurant. In a dive bar town. Call the police, there's a mad man around.
  4. Guys, we are really slipping here (no pun intended). If someone doesn't make a 'this is racist' accusation about this thread by page 3 people will get hurt.
  5. Authorities should put up a fence around the restaurant area and let the biker gangs Darwin each other to death.
  6. ps: I hope I didn't come across as a douche, SOTO. That wasn't my intention. Cheers mate.
  7. No issue unless it was in Hamilton's contract that Arte cannot refuse to talk to Hamilton. I think you will find the issues are with Hamilton not performing under his contact. That is an issue.
  8. I think you're right. Maybe he was instructed to go to Angels' extended spring training? Either way, the fact is that he was asked (told?) to go to Arizona on behalf of the Angels and refused. I think it was a contractual ploy by the Angels, but still, he did not go.
  9. His hands are very clean. They did not get one bit dirty when he refused to report to the Arizona Fall League as the Angels requested.
  10. Tell Mike Scioscia needs to take more responsibilities for his actions and things.
  11. Obligatory "this is racist" accusation.
  12. Is it the credit card system that's down? Or the seniors who are operating them? "Dad-nab-it all! These things never work." Turn the card the other way, sir.
  13. Didn't use the word mandate. Used the word 'could.' It's part of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act passed in anticipation of the ACA. ADA does protect current drug users unless they seek treatment for addiction on the same day the drug user started using a drug. As always, all of the above depends on what level of insurance you have, just like I can't get my migraine meds covered under the ACA because I don't have the right tier (i.e.: how much you have paid for insurance). As addiction is now a disability, and California, under both DFEH and CRFA closely follows Federal laws (specifically FMLA) on work sick leave, there is the possibility of going away to rehab (or going to work intermittently while in rehab) if you have a SHC (Serious Health Condition). The whole purpose of the MHPAEA is to equate addiction with other serious health issues such as cancer. If you're employed in California your employer should have given you information on some these rights. However, before you go on a strippers and blow bender, make sure you've been at the same employer for at least 12 months. (If you're almost at that 12 months but can't wait to go bananas, you can qualify for the 12 months if you get a doctor's note that you need to take a leave two weeks before that 12 months has tolled. Just make sure you inform you're employer. Call your HR chick and tell her you're an addict and the doc says you need a little break). So, I would still sniff away.
  14. You're gonna lose your shit when you find out about global warming. Wikipedia it now. Or...don't!
  15. Actually, under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) combined with the Affordable Care Act, you cannot necessarily be fired. Drug addiction is now considered a disability so you could go to a treatment facility/home and have it covered by Obamacare. If you are fired by your employer and they know you have an addiction/drug problem and you have informed them you need care, the employer typically must accommodate your stay-cation at a rehab facility. This is one of the reasons there has been an explosion of rehab homes the last couple years. These homes are cash cows. So...sniff away!
  16. I genuinely would like to know what Hamilton told his kids about his change of teams. I presume he simply said the Angels traded him but didn't provide any reason save for "it wasn't a good fit" or something as banal. I didn't see the press conference. Were his childrens next to him?
  17. If you go to the radio setting on Apple TV, you will find a station for the Mighty 690. "Jacob's Ladder" by Huey Lewis & the News is playing now. It's not as manic as the bands earlier hits, but it's a good song. I like the progressive crescendo.
  18. Way to go Player's Union! Money first, player second, team and sport of baseball tied for last.
  19. What's more important to you? That the Angels are a better team, or that they are not embarrassing? Is it better to have a player with no passion, no offensive contribution to the team, who uses drugs and then says 'no' to the team's request to physically rehab at a location of the team's choice while that player is under contract? Or is it better to keep that player at the risk of being embarrassed. I'd say it's more embarrassing to keep someone on the team who does drugs, shows no -- and I mean ZERO -- offensive performance, and then ultimately defies the team's request to train in a known extended spring training league. All while collecting tens of millions of dollars. The Rangers are the ones who should be embarrassed here.
  20. Well, there's Elizabeth Warren, but she won't run...yet. I sorta wish she would run. Politically, I disagree with her quite a bit, but I think her passion to clean up the money in politics and to genuinely want to help 'the little guy' is sincere. I think she really wants to do good and, for now, would put the good of the country before the good of Elizabeth Warren. This is 180 degrees different from either Clinton.
  21. I am so confused! This is a New York Times story. I can only listen to Fox news. What to do?!?! If a story's not broken by Fox news, can it still be true? Dammit!
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