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Everything posted by mulwin444

  1. How many teams passed on Mike Trout? Best player in baseball fell to the end of the first round. Matter of fact, we have a guy that was picked ahead of him playing 2B. It's a crapshoot. Best thing about being this shitty is the protected draft picked
  2. In his last 167 games, he has 101 RBI all while hitting around .220-.230/.280 OBP/.700 OPS This year his splits are: .709 OPS with runners on .700 OPS with RISP .633 OPS with RISP w/2 outs Yes, it means shit because he is squandering men on base night after night.
  3. Or trade Trumbo and put Shuck on the bench...problem solved
  4. Yes, he plays both an equally "meh" RF and LF So much more valuble then a guy who can catch....
  5. 28 years old and a .230/sub-.300 OBP/sub-.700 OPS/200 k's over past 162 games He is who is he at this point...which is replaceable. The only person I have to lay a little blame on in this case is Dipoto for not trading him when he had some value.
  6. The Dream Team and Night Shift are two of my favorites...also liked Mr Mom, Johnny Dangerously,
  7. Overall I'd give Dipoto a "D" as well. Even with injuries and non performance that is hard to anticipate, his job is performance based and, so in his tenure, they have not improved. However, Scioscia should be held to the same standard as well. If the players are not performing well, for better or worse, he shares the blame in that non-performance. Some of the more curious-er things I have to question about Dipoto is his fetish for failed NL West prospects and independent league "All Stars". If you are riding the D-Train, you are going nowhere. Chatwood for Iannetta: C At the time, we needed a C and Chatwood was a question mark. Ianetta has been good for walks but is not much at handling pitchers or throwing out runners. Chatwood, intially struggled in COL in 2012 and, despite a good 3.15 ERA also has a 1.39 WHIP and .279 BAA and is now on the DL for elbow inflamation. If Chatwood comes back and is a solid 3-4 starter, the grade could drop down to a D or F Mathis for Mills: C Basically, a non-move but it got rid of Mathis. Amarista and Roach for Frieri: B- Still like the deal, despite Frieri's recent struggles. The guy can miss bats when he's on but he seriously needs an effective secondary pitch. Amarista had no place in the line-up or on the 40-man roster at the time and his lifetime .243/.283/.661 line is not making me yearn for his return. Segura, Pena, Hellweg for Greinke: D Only makes sense to do this deal if you go balls-out to sign him. With Santana and Haren's options not being exrcised, there were holes in the pitching staff too deep to be filled question marks, projects and 1-year fill-ins. Santana for Sisk: D I'm fine with not exercising the option on Santana is your countermove is not signing Blanton for more money. This move didn't appear to be thought out. Walden for Hanson: D Walden had struggles for the Angels and there were injury concerns but why trade a BP piece, which was and still is a weakness for a SP who has struggled and has injury concerns. Walden is a fixture in the Atlanta BP while Hanson is a non-ternder candidate. Morales for Vargas: B - Morales was not going to be re-signed and the Angels needed a SP. It was a good swap between interdivision rivals. I'm not going to blame Dipoto for a blodd clot so I'll judge it based on Vargas' performance on the field, which has been solid. Wells for Sneed & Cayones: B Might be the highlight of his tenure. Getting the Yankees to kick the amount of money they did was nice work. Geltz for De La Rosa: C+ Dane has been decent in a late relief role but he seems more suited for middle relief like maybe the 4th option out of a good BP. Geltz has pitched well in Durham so this trade may look better or worse in the upcoming years. Downs for Rasmus: C The Angels weren't getting much for Downs so Rasmus seems like a decent return. Overall, he's pitched effectively this season but I'd like to see him up with the big club before making a final judgement. Callaspo for Green: B+ Nothing for something. Seems like a good trade to me. FREE AGENT SIGNINGS Albert Pujols: C Signing the best righthanded hitter of this generation didn't seem like a bad idea at the time. So far, it's been ugly, but if he turns it around and leads them back to the playoffs during his remaining 8 years it may not look as horrible. Still waiting on this one. CJ Wilson: B Despite his tendency to nibble, Wilson has been a solid 2 to Weaver's 1. Years and money are reasonable as well. Good deal. Josh Hamilton: F With Josh's history, why would you commit that kind of money to a question mark? Poorly thought out signing. Joe Blanton: F Wow, hard to understand what he was thinking with this one. Sean Burnett: C Good idea at the time. See if he can make this work better in 2014. Ryan Madson: F Waste of money no matter which way you look at it.
  8. I disagree because we assumed a bloated contract for a player who played worse then the player for whom he was traded. Letting Torii go was a calculated move based upon age and projected performance. The real mistake came in signing Josh Hamilton after Torii was let go. Regardless, the trade for Wells is one of the worst in league history while not re-signing Torii, while regrettable, could at least be reasoned.
  9. "I wouldn't shed a lot of tears if Moreno sold the team." Maybe we can go back to the good ol' days of Jackie "We're a small market team" Autry. Seriously. we're lucky to have an owner who wants to win and will do what he can to try and get it done. It may not always work out but he's trying to build a winner. More then can be said for a great many franchises in the MLB right now.
  10. This reminds me of the time Chris Perez got pissed at Kendrick for a game winning bunt. Matt Garza has completely embarrassed himself and Rangers org and has himself to petulant, entitled ass-clown that will try to excuse his behavior as being "competitive".
  11. Levy Tran is hot which is the only reason doesn't completely suck. You want the worst video? Check out Billy Squier's "Rock Me Tonight"...ruined his career.
  12. Over his last 162 games he has a sub-.700 OPS and has struck out over 200 times. Add to that being 'meh' at everything baseball related besides his throwing arm, not sure why the Angels would consider him untouchable.
  13. Some people are under the impression that he's only about personal numbers, despite an entire career saying otherwise, and, honestly, he's making a lot of money and, gosh darnit, they just don't like him.
  14. Feels like it sometimes, this board never ceases to astound me..it's like a bad game of "Operator": Poster 1: "Pujols got his foot examined. You know it was only a partial tear which effectively is same as surgery. They say some people with partial tears need surgery depending on where the tear is..." Poster 2: "Pujols has a partial tear and still needs surgery?! Why isn't he getting it now instead of waiting until the offseason?" Poster 3: "He's not waiting because he wants to fulfill his contractual obligation. It's what makes him a Hall of Famer and puts him on the brink of many records. You know he's closing in 500 HRs?" Poster 4: "He's not getting the surgery so he can get to 500 HRs? Selfish prick..." Poster 5: "Yeah, it was on only the prick of a cortisone shot that they used to try to alleviate some pain. DIdn't work though...still tore the ligament" Poster 6: "Lineament was used in the old days during rub-downs after a game. Got to keep loose to avoid injury" Poster 7: "Yeah, a jury of his peers felt he was just doing it for himself.." Poster 8 : "What a jerk..."
  15. Maybe because he doesn't need surgery? Just guessing...
  16. I know a lot of people like to be outraged by one thing or another but, you know, was Dr Charlton the one who was consulted and performed the surgery? Doesn't sound like it... Why get ass-clenched over "what-if" scenarios?
  17. Haha...what? If this board is any indication as to the types of calls he'd receive, he'd be well advised to avoid AM 830 at all costs. F that noise! I know I wouldn't do it First question: "Why did you trade for an injured Vargas? Second question: "Why you no make Hamilton hit better?" Third question: "Why did you trade Corbin and Skaggs?" and so on...
  18. Callaspo was bench player allowed to start at 3B. It was like the equivalent of "Aybar you play SS, Kendrick go to 2B and, um, who gets 3B? Let's see...(clicks tongue) Callaspo, I guess". The only thing the guy did well was not strike out...he has no speed, power, or arm, he was defensively average at every position he played and his play was declining at 3B. Green can hit, is younger, cheaper, and still has upside...we've already seen Callaspo upside.
  19. Dane De La Rosa? The guy who gave up the 3-run HR last night? Yeah, that makes sense...
  20. Me? I'll miss his ability to do everything in his power to not strike out...by grounding out to 2B on the 2nd pitch
  21. Hmmm...you know you have a bad 3B option when Callaspo's OPS is 100 points higher then your best option.
  22. Sweet Je-sus, Dipoto does love to scrape the bottom of the NL West barrell...especially his beloved D-Backs. He's not still working for them is he? Just say no, even if it means for a bag of Artie's empties and assuming money...We already have Ian Kennedy on this team...actually 3 to 4 of them.
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