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Everything posted by Junkballer

  1. I'm generally against anthropomorphising diseases and I don't care for the whole "survivor", "fighter" terminology bandied about. Not being purposefully insensitive as I lost my mom to cancer after 4 years of treatment, surgeries, remission and recurrence. Still, I don't care for the emotional manipulation involved in using catchphrases that turn cancer into a physical entity that one "stands up to".
  2. On the replay that I think you're referring to, Smoltz made it clear he wasn't a fan of it. He said something to the effect that it is an injury waiting to happen, which I can't say I agree. I like the stirrups look or at least high socks but whatever.
  3. They should put Lackey on the mound tonight. His father was a mudder.
  4. I'm not sure if I'd pitch Lester head to head with Kluber again. They have the depth to switch things up. If Lester lost games 1 & 4 there's no way you could bring him in for a game 7.
  5. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseball/cubs/ct-cubs-indians-game-2-starting-time-20161025-story.html Reset your DVRs. Time change due to weather. Moved to 6:08 central which I believe is 4:08 pacific.
  6. I can't wait to see if the Tribe can force Lester to make pickoff throws and if Maddon is going to stay on the same track of exempting him from trying to keep runners honest. What the Dodgers were doing against Lester was hilarious because even with a 20' leadoff they still wouldn't run. If Lester doesn't throw to first it will be a track meet because given a leadoff even remotely close to what they gave the Dodgers the Tribe will run and succeed. Other than this factor, I would favor the Cubs for game 1 but I think it is their weak link in this particular pitching matchup.
  7. I thought I'd be a lifelong Rams fan until John Shaw & Georgia Frontiere essentially decided to ruin the team in order to move it. I think I'll always be an Angels fan but certain things I would consider a betrayal, such as not working in good faith to keep the team within the greater LA region. I can handle mediocrity by moderating the amount of time I spend watching & reading about them, but it would really take something extraordinary by ownership for me to flip the switch. Still can't turn the Rams switch back on, nor the NFL for that matter.
  8. Smoltz is several orders of magnitude less annoying than McCarver.
  9. Reminds me of the parable of the scorpion and the frog (or snake and turtle). "You knew I was a Blanton when you signed me".
  10. He was a stud last night. His pimp hoof was strong.
  11. Good God ya'll, What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. I'll say it again.
  12. We can rebuild him. We have the technology. Better, stronger, faster.
  13. Nothin like 3 weeks of gang bangin to recharge the old batteries. Even a weekend servin fools is quite refreshing.
  14. He was just quoting Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet. Puig is so uncultured.
  15. George Michael collects his royalties the hard way. Nobody rides the George Michael look for free.
  16. The idea is for players to try to win games. Management needs to do what is best for the team in the long term, so in this case, minimize the players chances of winning by looking at as many young arms/players as possible.
  17. Every global extinction-level event has a silver lining.
  18. Dre is living large and E is not living
  19. No mention of Halo Roops or wrestling belts so far.
  20. If he was picked up and developed by some other team for a reasonable cost, eventually had success at the MLB level and the Angels had never bothered to attend a free evaluation session, the "f'n Arte/Eppler" posts around here would be epic. It's free. It's a couple hours. The scout might get his autograph for Arte. There is no downside.
  21. Love Gene but I think, in general, small ball managers will tend to overestimate their impact, just as micro-managers tend to do.
  22. Perhaps I've been influenced by the rabid leftists in my office but it seems that the pensions should be for the guys who weren't able to make it to 10 years. If you've made, at minimum, from 327k (2006) to 507k (2016) for 10 years your retirement account should be bursting at the seams even when jock taxes and agent fees are accounted for. (/hijack)
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