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Vegas Halo Fan

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Everything posted by Vegas Halo Fan

  1. The first player who came to mind for me was Dave Kingman, but Rob Deer is probably a better comparison. Kingman had 442 career home runs, and I don't see Trumbo lasting in the majors long enough to get nearly that many.
  2. We had one of those in Jacksonville when I was growing up. The smell was - and still is - legendary.
  3. A minor point, I grant you, but Detroit isn't on the east coast.
  4. It's hard to vote against a guy who wins the triple crown and plays for a playoff team.
  5. This is exactly why I don't understand the obsession of some with getting a high draft pick. Baseball is the hardest sport to predict future success in based upon current performance. You are picking players who are competing against players who are nowhere near a major league level and the vast majority of whom will never wear a major league uniform. Unlike other sports, physical skills alone are not enough. Hitting a baseball is the single hardest task in all of sports. Baseball history is rife with "can't miss" prospects who did. A lot of "Hall of Fame" careers died in the minors.
  6. I used to read it, too. I don't care enough to pay them to read just that. I just dropped them altogether.
  7. I don't know why not. The last deal worked out really well.
  8. That is a common approach. The Yankees and White Sox did the same thing, built new parks adjacent to the old one.
  9. Excuse me for being less than thrilled about this. The first time the local club has been in the playoffs in 12 years...
  10. This means a lot, right after he tried to defend himself by saying that the person who collected his sample is anti-Semitic.
  11. I was getting toward the end of my 100,000 limit, so I threw one your way to make you feel better.
  12. The top two deals were player dumps. That is all you need to know.
  13. Well, both of their jerseys say "Carolina". Makes as much sense as the Nike Carolina Panthers shirt, with the cat head logo and the letters "NC" on a map of South Carolina.
  14. I have no words to describe the sheer stupidity of this.
  15. Runners don't need to steal against the Marlins. They just hang around the bag and wait for the ball to go over the wall.
  16. I'm sure that I can come up with an idea at least as bad as these. Sounds like they're green lighting damned near anything.
  17. No kidding. I come from a part of the country where mildew grows on the outside of your house.
  18. The local papers have done a couple of articles on this guy. Not sure how this is all going to turn out.
  19. He has some pretty good credentials, for starters being a .318 career hitter with .971 OPS over a 16-year career. He is well over 400 HR with nearly 1500 RBI.
  20. I agree. The Astros had been in the NL for more than 50 years. It would have made more sense to move a team with less history in the league.
  21. It was Toronto. He spent some time here in Vegas (we were the Jays' AAA affiliate last year).
  22. They are carrying the water for someone else, to be sure. They didn't just suddenly decide to bust people for passing out biscuits and coffee.
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