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Vegas Halo Fan

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Everything posted by Vegas Halo Fan

  1. I go to En Fuego on Sahara. They had a different location on Sahara within a couple of blocks of the Strip. Parking was almost nonexistent. They moved several blocks west and got a bigger place for much lower rent, and parking is easy. Eight is on the Strip, meaning take reasonable prices and double them - at least. It might be worth going once. I went to the Montecristo Cigar Bar at Caesars, took one look at the prices and walked out. Dropping $30-40 on one stick isn't my price point.
  2. Notice that the ingredients aren't listed on the label.
  3. Wait a minute. Cash was in Atlanta? I thought that he got traded back here. Well, there's another hole on the 40 man.
  4. I was at my favorite cigar lounge watching the Golden Knights-Stars game and Army-Navy when someone spotted it on the trailer of the football broadcast. The only club who could feasibly pay that kind of money did.
  5. I will always remember that moon shot that he hit in Houston in Game 6 of the 2021 WS. His outfield defense is close to non-existent. If he is acquired, it has to be as a full time DH.
  6. No. Everything is a la carte. Their fries are huge, though, even the small ones. They fill the container and then dump at least as many more in the bag.
  7. I remember the stir that it caused when the sound of a toilet flushing appeared on All In the Family. That just wasn't done on television back then.
  8. If you watched their last two games (I did, beginning to end), you might have a different opinion.
  9. Goff saved my season in a couple of leagues. I had Kirk Cousins, and when he went down for the year, Goff was available in both leagues.
  10. Used to love that place when I lived in OK. The nearest one is in Phoenix, but one is supposed to open on the Strip.
  11. I watched the Florida State - Louisville game last night. FSU's offense was horrible. Ironic that they lost their starting QB to a broken leg in a game that they could have won without him.
  12. Sometimes things happen for a reason. Sometimes we also need a nudge to explore what is out there.
  13. I got -1 from a placekicker. Missed an extra point on his only kick of the game.
  14. It's hard to fault Cincinnati, when they lost their QB for the season.
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