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Everything posted by DB24

  1. What will it it take to get Bartolo?
  2. He's been the teams 2nd half MVP.
  3. My favorite line...lol "Angel Stadium is like the 7th layer of hell. I've just had it with this f*cking team and their bandwagon fans."
  4. My initial reaction...when I read we left 35 men on base.
  5. He goes to the A's, and becomes elite again.
  6. The Angles must hold the record for the weirdest injuries.
  7. Like. Jepsen - Smith - Street Good luck with that.
  8. Grading the week http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/eye-on-baseball/24630456/grading-the-week-mike-trout-is-still-good-at-baseball
  9. We also drafted a guy name Jordan Kipper earlier this year. Kipper: A male salmon or sea trout during or after the spawning season.
  10. DB24


    These Puig and Trout comparisons need to stop already. Puig isn't even a planet in Trout's universe.
  11. Best part of the AD. His part in Menikmati was the reason I started skating.
  12. Does someone run Aybar's twitter account? https://twitter.com/Erickaybar/status/487418526068527105 Or is he tweeting during the game? lol
  13. Maybe Mendez should've started for them.
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