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Posts posted by Chico

  1. I love Trout. 

    But he's had too many injuries the last few years and he's on the wrong side of 30.


    All the different injuries (ribs, back, hand, calf etc.) limits the patented recklessness he shows in his fielding and hitting, not to mention throwing and baserunning.

    If I were the Angels, ideally I'd package Trout up with Rendon, and be finished with the injury worries and the totally unbalanced salary structure on the team.

    Don't hang on unless forced. But I assume these two mega contracts were all of Moreno's doing...


  2. Thanks for the payroll link. I know it's obvious but the numbers jump out at me that the Angels' fundamental structure is extremely top-heavy.  Trout (12yr x 426m) and Rendon (7yr x 245m) are now top dogs and the third highest paid Halo so far is Tyler Anderson (3yr x 39m) and the fourth is Brandon Drury (2yr x 17m). See the extreme disparity? And to add insult to injury, Trout and Rendon have hardly played the last three years and who knows going forward?

    It's been this way almost the entire Moreno regime and it's not a successful model obviously. Moreno just doesn't get it.

  3. I salute Ohtani for the great years he gave the Angels. Ohtani gave us the best he had and I have nothing but love and respect for him. Unfortunately the rest of the organization is run like amateur hour and he couldn't take it anymore. I don't blame him for leaving this tire fire, even to the Dodgers.

    I do think when we look back, Ohtani's best years will be with the Angels. I might be wrong but I think his pitching days might be over or they should be. He will hit many more HRs but he may not hit as many HRs as he did with the Angels.I don't know what he will do in the field if the Dodgers sensibly end his pitching career...1B? He may not be as individually great as he was with us but he will win more. A lot more. 

    More power to him.

  4. The Angels organization should have known that POS Eric Kay was a drug addict and was dealing drugs not only to Skaggs, but other major leaguers as well. What other MLB has had a director of communications or similar higher-up dealing lethal drugs to players? Ultimately the responsibility lies at the owner's feet. Kay was Communications Director from 2017-2019. He was hired by John Carpino, who knew Moreno from the billboard industry before he bought the Angels.


  5. On 9/13/2023 at 9:00 PM, Chico said:

    I was looking at team hitting stats in MLB this year at the 145 game mark and was wondering where the Angels stood on homers and striking out.

    Angels are fourth in MLB in homers with 209 in 146g. (Braves are #1 with 288, far ahead of the rest and will certainly be the only team to top 300HR over a full season)

    With strikeouts, the Angels are fifth highest in MLB at 1,346. (Twins at the top with 1,488). There is not one team with under 1,000 strikeouts in 146 games.

    I looked further to compare the game with MLB in 1980 and found that the top HR team was the Brewers with 203 (the least was the Mets with 61 homers all year) and the top team that struck out the most was the Cubs with 912. The team with the least amount of strikeouts was Texas with 589. All in 162 games. 

    Not one team got over 203 HRs and not one team had over 1,000 strikeouts. 

    I guess they really do swing for the fences more, and they strike out a ton more. It's tiring to watch the HR/SO parade.



    Just a bit of a follow-up on my above post concerning the all or nothing HR or strikeout trend in MLB. I was watching clips of Barry Bonds before and after steroids. Before, he had a wiry, sinewy build. He looked like a normal athlete, no odd, jacked-up proprtions. After, his shoulders looked twice the width, not to mention the rest of his physique filling out to almost weightlifter size. Not to mention the change of appearance of his head.

    When I see guys slug the ball for a HR now, I do notice a majority have the Bonds-like physique, the larger-than-life look with the big, wide shoulders and the sculpted torso. Like Ohtani...

    Could there be a new Steroid Era happening right in front of our eyes without us knowing it that is being enabled by the corrupt Manfred? HRs do get the asses in the seats and the Steroid Era was the most financially successful era of baseball when it happened during the McGwire-Sosa era... 

  6. Word out of Buffalo is that Zegras is only being offered between $3-4 million a year by the Ducks and there are trade rumors between the two teams...The Ducks are in rebuilding mode and Buffalo has a lot of high-level prospects from tanking for about twelve years in a row. Would you trade two-three maybe's for a definite?

     DiBiase is probably full of it and this might go nowhere...Discussion starts at about 15:00.

  7. Word out of Buffalo is that Zegras is only being offered between $3-4 million a year by the Ducks and there are trade rumors between the two teams...The Ducks are in rebuilding mode and Buffalo has a lot of high-level prospects from tanking for about twelve years in a row. Would you trade two-three maybe's for a definite?

    Now DiBiase is full of it and this might go nowhere...Discussion starts at about 15:00.

  8. Ohtani is a two-way wonder, that's for sure. But as a pitcher he isn't a rubber-armed innings-eating hog that the Angels need. In five years he has pitched in a grand total of 86 games: 

    2018: 10 games, 2019: Injured: 0 games, 2020: 2 games, 2021: 23 games, 2022: 28 games and 2023: 23 games.

    I think Ohtani needs to give up pitching. He's proven himself as a 100mph strikeout ace but he has no durability as a pitcher. The Angels have bent over backwards to help him prove himself as a two-way phenom and he has. But he physically can't take pitching anymore. Focus on hitting. 

    The Angels have had to have anonymous plug-ins for pitchers because they took their eye off the ball and went for the bright shiny objects like Trout, Rendon and Ohtani, two of the three, maybe three of the three who are now chronically hurt. Individual achievements are fine but not at the expense of the team.

    Bottom line, Angels need a new owner who pays for a proper baseball organization, proper training and nutrition for his players and a proper balance to the lineup, not the top-weighted lineup we have now. Arte has a bottomless zeal to show Angels' fans how great of an owner he is by paying through the nose for these often-injured superstars and he isn't going to change his spots. 

  9. I was looking at team hitting stats in MLB this year at the 145 game mark and was wondering where the Angels stood on homers and striking out.

    Angels are fourth in MLB in homers with 209 in 146g. (Braves are #1 with 288, far ahead of the rest and will certainly be the only team to top 300HR over a full season)

    With strikeouts, the Angels are fifth highest in MLB at 1,346. (Twins at the top with 1,488). There is not one team with under 1,000 strikeouts in 146 games.

    I looked further to compare the game with MLB in 1980 and found that the top HR team was the Brewers with 203 (the least was the Mets with 61 homers all year) and the top team that struck out the most was the Cubs with 912. The team with the least amount of strikeouts was Texas with 589. All in 162 games. 

    Not one team got over 203 HRs and not one team had over 1,000 strikeouts. 

    I guess they really do swing for the fences more, and they strike out a ton more. It's tiring to watch the HR/SO parade.



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