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Posts posted by Chico

  1. I said it a month or two ago ...the 2002 World Series Angels used to get one hit after another, advance the runners and before you knew it, they strung eight-ten runs in an inning, game over. It's a great formula which should become Angels baseball. The Angels have the hitters to do that this year.

    Last night was awesome but playing sports all my life, I know what it's like to be on the other side of a shellacking. You have to feel bad for the Rockies and their fans in attendance. Besides the abundance of gopher balls...how does three pitches in a row even happen??... I did see at least three Colorado outfielders "lose the ball" in the lights or in the sun, not sure which. I know they're 30-50 or so but some of the Rockies' badness seemed to be the result of giving up during the game or maybe laying down.

  2. I was watching hilights this morning and see Anthony got HPB on the left wrist (he's had right wrist injuries that has kept him out an extended period of time in the past). But he had to keep playing because the Angels were shorthanded. Now he has to go for imaging on that wrist. He wears no protection on those wrists. What's with Anthony anyway? He's hitting .074/.167.148 in June with no homers or steals. He's always getting hurt and sitting out. Angels' curse?



  3. I liked the good ole days when the AL West could be won with a .502 winning percentage and everyone was up around .500 more or less. It was a comfortable, mediocre division. Then they let the invasive species Cheatin' Astros in and ever since it's been a one or two horse race. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Justin said:

    What kind of bounty do you expect for Rendon and Trout? 

    For Rendon, nothing. For Trout, something fitting, I'm not sure. It might be too late to trade Trout. The era of paying one or two people 500 million dollars has got to end for the Angels. This formula does not work. Go back to 2002. The Angels didn't have any of these supposed superstars. Just a bunch of guys who could pitch and string hits together.

  5. With this loss, the Angels fall to 30-30. Houston is 35-23 and Texas is 37-20. I think the Angels have fallen too far behind, can't stack enough wins together to catch up and don't play well against the division leaders Texas and Houston. .500 or just above is not good enough this year. Again, til Arte leaves, the Angels are toast. If it were me, I'd trade Ohtani, Rendon and Trout and get a good bounty. Start with pitching first.

  6. On 5/28/2023 at 7:57 PM, Sho Way That Was A Strike said:

    It’s just the same old script. Change the manger. Pitching coach. Hitting coach. GM. Hot dog vendor. Etc. Nothing is different. 

    Sign a vet that produced the previous year(s)… he’s subpar or injured. 

    Get hot and go on a sustained streak… a big losing streak is next. 

    Player A gets hot, gets injured. Comes back half the player he was. 

    Player B gets called up. Plays great. Gets hurt. Sent down when he returns because he crashes back to Earth. 

    Score double digit runs on a Friday. Get shutout on a Saturday. 

    Pitchers throw lights out. Batters cold as ice. 

    Batters hitting everything. Pitchers throwing everything that gets hit. 

    Score 9 runs. Give up 11. 

    I don’t even expect big things anymore. I see us up by 6 in the 3rd inning and I think to myself will we win? 

    Angels' curse: https://sabr.org/journal/article/of-witches-hexes-and-plain-bad-luck-the-reputed-curse-of-the-los-angeles-angels-of-anaheim/

  7. Fan since 1971. I started with box scores and continue to this day. One story I read about -- it happened a little before my time-- was in the Angels' first year, 1961. Gene Autry was owner and talked his old friend Ty Cobb to throw out the first ball in Angels' history. Cobb, who died several months later in July '61, was a very sick and frail old man by then. The Angels' player (not sure who) who was supposed to catch the ball noticed how frail Cobb was, so he moved up to give him an easier target. So what did Cobb do? He heaved it over the guys' head!

  8. I watch a game every so often. I definitely see highlights almost every day. I watched Anderson pitch for the first time. I know this is minutia, but he has a double hitch in his kick. I don't think I've ever seen a delivery like that before. Does he always do the double hitch or does he do a single kick sometimes? 

    Also Moronta. I've seen Colon and Valenzuela, but very rarely is a fat pitcher any good. 5'11, 265 is not a good look. What's up with Moronta? He almost lost it last night.

  9. The reason why the Angels are bad or mediocre at best year after year...it's the players' love for ketchup on their hot dogs, and also that Angel Stadium is built on an old Indian burial ground. Every self-respecting person knows that ketchup does not belong on hot dogs. It kills the taste of the dog and the balance of the ingredients. In Chicago, ketchup is pretty much outlawed on dogs. For me, it's mustard, onions and chili, otherwise known as Coney Dogs, Texas Red Hots or Scum Dogs.


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