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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. Terrifying: http://m.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Madison-High-School-on-lockdown-armed-student-5435172.php
  2. Donald Sterling is absolutely NOT a racist. As a Clipper fan, I am excited that my patronage allows him to live lavishly.
  3. Donald Sterling is most definitely NOT a racist. In fact, you're a racist for even inferring that he is. Would the NAACP be planning on giving him a lifetime achievement award if he was a racist? I think not. http://deadspin.com/naacp-to-honor-noted-racist-donald-sterling-again-1568142191?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow Read it and weep, Clipper haters. You're just jelly.
  4. Clipper Nation! HEAR US ROAR! There is no need for us in Clipper Nation to be ashamed of what Mr. Donald has said. He is going out of his way to make this thing work. We shall prevail. Championship or bust in 2014. Anything less is a failure for the Clippers and us Clipper die hard fans. RIDE WITH US OR COLLIDE WITH US. Destiny calls our name. We shall have rings. Kiss our feet.
  5. I think calscuf has something to say to you about your presence at parties.
  6. It turns out that it had nothing to do with SCD, but rather an easily detectable heart defect. It's apparently a common cause of deaths under similar circumstances, relatively speaking. It's shocking that organizations wouldn't test for it prior to allowing participation given that a somewhat cheap echo can detect it.
  7. Holy crap. Nate just pulled a patented RallyMo 2006. You are headed straight for Tedfordsville, Nate.
  8. It's like being at a great party, but inevitably there's some guy that starts puking all over the place. Sometimes you can get him out of the room quickly enough to keep the party alive enough to revive it. Other times, he simultaneously dumps kerosene all over the place, lights a match and kills everybody.
  9. Fix the damn bullpen, Angels.
  10. If only we had pulled the trigger on that one when the Diamondbacks offered in April.
  11. Haha. Double whammy with Skaggs being considered.
  12. I just got around to checking out highlights from yesterday's game. In addition to Richards being nails, the play Albert made to nail Harper at the plate really stood out. That was executed very nicely. I pray for some kind of a bullpen alteration, because if the pen gets better, this team could be scary good.
  13. Dude, it's the beginning of the fourth week of April.
  14. Adjusted for possible McDonald's trip.
  15. You've got to be making that up.
  16. You're using the death of a police officer to troll this thread. You're not exactly driving on the high road here. The guy just died tragically and you're using him as bait in a thread? C'mon, man. Have some respect for the people you say you respect.
  17. Hey, man... If you've worked on all three of those, maybe the problem is you. Did you participate in the production of "Swingers?" If not, case closed. Stop being a jinx.
  18. So we S/B talking about you whoring for attention in a thread that S/B left for dead at this point rather than the original content of the thread?
  19. Well, there S/H/B. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to appropriately address this madness. You S/B tarred and feathered.
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