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Everything posted by eligrba

  1. Thanks Dave, I agree with your top ten. I would also say that I am excited for Angels baseball beyond 2014, which has not always been the case. I like where the Angels are going. It has been a while since I have been able to say that.
  2. Does this mean we suck again? Damn it-I thought we had a good thing going this year. Back to vacation mode...... boots and pants and boots and pants....
  3. Vernon Wells still remains my hero. He also sucked at his job, in multiple places and makes more than Joe Blanton. Shoot for the stars!!!!
  4. Although I would prefer a different outcome, my guess is that the number of games both Long and Green will eventually play for the Angels this year will be unaffected.
  5. That's pretty good considering the reality of the business. The Angels may never surpass the traditional and historical powerhouses like NY, Bos, Cubs, Dodgers and Cards.
  6. This will have a major impact on the west. I would prefer to beat up on the Rangers with a healthy roster, but after watching last year, this might be a nice slump-buster opportunity.
  7. Do we know if McDonald would have stayed in SLC? Maybe there is something in the works that is not obvious to the casual observer?
  8. The opening paragraph is well played. Someone is an aspiring comedy writer.
  9. The simple answer to why some people want Blanton to fail and be released is Mike Scioscia. If Blanton is on the team, Mike will trot him out every 5 days despite what reality dictates. I prefer to have a young arm struggle than to watch Blanton. It is the same rationale if you owned a Vega or Pinto.
  10. I like the trade and how the starting 5 is shaping up. I for one can live with the inconsistencies of young pitching, I hope others can. Really like how 2014 looks. Yes we can.
  11. I think a vent thread now is important because everyone needs to be prepared for when the real season begins. Great idea AO. Hopefully no one gets injured while participating in the spring training vent thread.
  12. I do not remember stands in the outfield back in the day-as shown on the picture.
  13. My thoughts exactly. And if we trade Blanton to the A's, he would probably be starting the all star game. The A's seem to know how to get the most out of every player.
  14. Blanton is coming off the rubber well this early. We just want to be careful he is not premature.
  15. I agree. Go Joe Go!!!!! It is hard for me to be negative because if the Angels offered me the same contract I would have signed it. And, probably pitch as well. Honestly, I am a bit jealous.
  16. Some of us prefer to embrace results. I fear innovation for the sake of innovation.
  17. I am glad he looks the same. I was worried he looked worse.
  18. Butcher's quote regarding Blanton is priceless. I did not want to scare anyone by displaying the quote here, but I will warn you to think long and hard if you can handle the truth before viewing it.
  19. It is not about scoring runs in spring training, it is about getting your swings in. I really like the way we are swinging the bats at this point. Guess Who?
  20. I like Joe. At least he is challenging his players to develop their minds and muscle memorys to thnk beyond routine plays.
  21. Blanton looks like he has eaten enough innings. It is time for the Angels to consider putting him on a diet.
  22. Nice response, inside pitch. I enjoyed reading it. Do you play xbox with MS?
  23. It might turn out to be an even trade after all. Bourjous with a leg injury and Freese healthy.....both producing similar offensive numbers and covering the same amount of ground defensively.
  24. Thats how I make it through life. Gotta do what you can with what you got.....
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