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Everything posted by eligrba

  1. I think Bruce Bochy is very underrated and Mike Sciocia is very overrated. I would like to see the same stats for the last 5 yrs. Me thinks it would be a different story.
  2. The Angels are the only native LA baseball team, born in 1961 thanks to the singing cowboy.
  3. Ok, it is still just the beginning so why don't we all cut Blanton some slack................ F*#k it, I couldn't even convince myself while writing this. He sucked before last year, he sucked last year and will probably suck this year. I scared.....very scared that Dipoto does not flush him and Scioscia keeps him in the starting rotation.
  4. Those are sometimes slow to heel. I hate when they happen.
  5. I wonder what you would write regading a team you didn't like. Good talk. Good times.
  6. Dumb. The article is written as though Trout has little say in contract length. Why would anyone sign a longer contract at his age?
  7. Articles like that remind me why I like it here. Great job.
  8. I am not sure Angel pitchers are able to throw something else, or even in a different location. Does Napoli have a long lost brother? This could be the guy.
  9. It is worth a shot having him do something different to help his pitches. I hope it works and becomes a storyline to follow.
  10. I am glad the Angels did not sign another marginal verteran pitcher simply because Scioscia would insert him into the rotation as a mainstay.
  11. I would rather see this guy play left/1st base.
  12. This article speaks more to Dippto's increasing influence than to anything else. Me thinks if push comes to shove, Scioscia is the odd man out.
  13. A midseason trade might be for additional younger arms, or as mentioned earlier, a veteran from a fire sale. The angels have options in the form of middle infielders, don't they? I have bigger concerns about how Scioscia will run spring training than our pitching. Based on the past two years, Koufax, Drysdale, Gibson and Cy young could be pitching and the Angels would still be out of the race by the end of May.
  14. The best pitching option may actually emerge after the season begins. At least I keep telling myself that. I would guess that Dipoto is laying the groundwork for a mid season trade. Just a thought.
  15. He could be Mr. Universe for all I care. I want to know if he figured out how to hit an offspeed breaking ball over the winter.
  16. Funny that TJ does not strike me as a teenage girl but his writing style suggests a yearning for girl drama. What a meaningless and insignificant article.
  17. I don't remember how close they are to each other, but anything is possible. As a side note, there is another blimp hanger in Tillamook Oregon and is used as an air museum.
  18. Thanks for the find. It looks like a teardown unless some philanthropic group intervenes. That's too bad, I always thought they were cool.
  19. I am enjoying the predictable responses about Arte and COA. Arte has a team, resources, imagination and big balls to take financial risks. I can respect that considering my conservative fiscal approach. I would have survived the depression, Arte would have made bank. Separate question about the Tustin airbase. Are the blimp hangers historical structures? If so, I do not think they can be demolished. Would affect the stadium location? Sorry, it has been a long time since I saw the area.
  20. Montréal had a major league team in 72. Not sure what you are saying.
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