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Lazorko Saves

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Everything posted by Lazorko Saves

  1. Me reading this in 1985: "Yeah makes sense, we can get a competition going among a few guys for that spot in spring training.": Me reading this in 2023: "Wait, what? Do you mean that...uh...hmm..."
  2. Ah yes, of course. I did not think to search on eBay for "Mike Trout signed Jew egg".
  3. Pfft, why go through a local vendor for a $550 autographed baseball when you can get one for only $295 on eBay....from Kazakhstan! I'm sure Trout has traveled to Kazakhstan this offseason to do some private signing sessions there...
  4. Oh man, a big Boston Pizza piece would hit the spot right now.
  5. Not enough choices. Would have voted for this choice: "Well, sort of confident in an insecure way, but unsure of the uncertainty of the mild confidence I have, while retaining some hope of a positive surprise, but less hope than I would have had in previous years." The Germans have a word for this, I think it's ungewissehoffnungsvollezuversicht.
  6. Ya'll would be really surprised by what Kim Jong Un thinks of Arte, the six man rotation, Patrick O'Neal, and where Urshela is gonna play in the infield. But I can't talk about it.
  7. Yes. Also cocktail napkins with personal notes to me from Kim Jong Un.
  8. Live shot of my garage where I keep my Corvette...and a few other...things...
  9. What if....hear me out....Angels1961 is Arte's burner account? They both come back right about the same time...so...
  10. And the most amazing part is, if you put that poll on the Red Sox board you'd get people voting NO. Just like we're getting people voting NO here.
  11. Meanwhile, over on the Red Sox board, there's probably a poll asking if they'd trade Ryan Brasier to the Angels for Patrick Sandoval. Because the Angels need bullpen help...mumble mumble...and too many starters...blah blah.
  12. Ya'll going to hate this, but... It's The Athletic. Clown "journalism". There's a preposterous claim right there in the first paragraph posted. About how the Angels were supposedly dictating that if the guy did the games from home, that is had to be from his laundry room? Uh huh. Maybe there's a seed of truth here somewhere in the story, but the crazy partisans at The Athletic have wrapped it their typical emotional appeal, snorting-outrage-generating nonsense.
  13. For the "It's the Angels player development and management that are at fault for busted prospects" crowd, go look up Brandon Wood, Dallas McPherson, etc, on baseball-reference.com You'll see a parade of teams who did the "we can fix him" thing and failed. Wood went to the Pirates, Rockies, Orioles, and Royals. McPherson went to the Marlins, A's, White Sox, and Pirates. No success anywhere. Even Roberto Baldoquin has the Cardinals thinking "they can fix him". I would bet they won't. Sometimes the player just can't make the adjustments to play at the top level. No matter how much you "develop" him.
  14. Will Perry also mention his pitching? "He's so feared on the mound, that he forces All Star level hitters to take up switch hitting for the first time when they face him..."
  15. We'll add that event to the next AW get-together. So far we've got: 1. 100 yard dash against Devon White 2. Taco eating competition against Mo Vaughn 3. Jump-rope competition against Kendrys Morales
  16. Wow. In my mind Devon White will always be in his 20s, blazing fast, so fast his helmet is flying off his head.
  17. One wonders why didn't Fangraphs lay these monstrosities on us?
  18. Great, two more jerseys I'm going to have to waste money on. And what am I going to do with my Wadifoquez jersey from last year?
  19. This guy was born 30 years too late. I think he would have had a better career if had come up to the majors in 1980 instead of 2010. Back when slap hitting and stolen bases were still cool. Still, he had a decent 10 years in the bigs. But I feel like he could have been a borderline star in the 1980s.
  20. Kevin Jepsen had a good long career, but I thought he should have become 30-40 save type of near-elite closer. Never really was that, career high in saves was 15 for Tampa Bay + Minnesota in 2015.
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