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Lazorko Saves

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Everything posted by Lazorko Saves

  1. This guy had some really good years for the White Sox. Those years should have been with the Angels. Also should have had more good years than he did, really dropped off quickly after age 28.
  2. Doug Cliburn Juan Lugo Allan Andyson DeWayne Monteleone Spike Palmeiro Sherman Lovelace Hasatoshi Shigegawa
  3. Someone start the Pseudo-Random Angel players thread. Presumably, this would mean computer generated names of players that sound like they played for the Angels, but never did.
  4. Yeah, I keep having a nightmare where we actually have a good season, the bullpen is decent-to-solid all year, we get into the playoffs... ...and then our bullpen of soft tossing 92 mph-ers just get completely lit up by quality offenses you face in the playoffs. Teams winning in October have multiple power arms coming out of their bullpens.
  5. Porker Parker was just cashing paychecks at that point of his career. I had to look up who we traded for him....oh no! That was a bad trade.
  6. Uh oh, Luetge DFA'd. The big Yankees Message Board Wet Dream Trade discussed in the other thread is confirmed.
  7. That makes more sense. The MLBTR quote is causing the confusion, though: In addition, the arbitrator docked Bauer’s salary for the first 50 games of the 2023 season (i.e., the period covering March 30, 2023 to May 23, 2023).
  8. So he's reinstated immediately, but no pay for the first 50 games? What kind of decision is that? "Okay Bauer, you can pitch, but you have to do it for free until May 24." Weird.
  9. Via the 1986 Fleer set I present you with a double dose of randomness...
  10. This is the kind of creative thinking we need in the dugout! Mike Trout hitting third. Then this guy, Gord Troutichuk, batting 8th.
  11. Yeah, I like that the days of Matt Duffy hitting cleanup will be long gone after what Perry has done here. But I agree, late inning defense in a close game feels really iffy right now...
  12. It's a good move if there's a surprise rule change coming that allows 11 man batting lineups.
  13. What is even going on right now. This might make sense if Perry and Nevin have found some weird loophole in the shift rules that allow them to play two second basemen all year. "Angels figure out how to play 162 games without a SS with this one weird trick."
  14. Sorry, I realize I made a mistake in this originally. It should have been: Waiter: <spits in French>
  15. Dom Chiti sounds like the bottom of the Champagne menu option. Me: "Wow, the 2005 Dom Perignon is $900 a bottle!" Waiter: "Well, it is one of ze better vintages we have here, monsieur..." "What is this 2019 Dom Chiti at $11 a bottle?" Waiter: <spits>
  16. I think the issue is different. Teams that want to offload dead weight will always eat money to do it. Even if the Brewers got a real itch to dump Yelich, they aren't going to trade their #1 starter and starting SS to do it. It just doesn't happen, unless you get an owner who is headed for bankruptcy or something weird like that.
  17. Don't get me wrong @Warfarin, I love BBTV website for kind of doing a sanity check on deals with middle of the road players and prospects. But with those big negative value contracts and elite level players, it just doesn't represent real world possibilities.
  18. Yeah, somewhere on other team's boards fans are putting together things like this, saying the Angels should take this in a heartbeat, because 4.90 > 4.60
  19. See, I don't think we did have him. It was actually Wilford Brimley we had. Dom Chiti: Guy we had in our bullpen:
  20. Yeah, I'm not sure I'd pay Carpenter $12m even in Zimbabwe dollars.
  21. One of you was talking about the catcher W. Contreras, the other was talking about the catcher W. Contreras.
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