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Lazorko Saves

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Everything posted by Lazorko Saves

  1. I don't know much about rasslin' but I'd like us to have the guy on the left on the top step of the dugout when we face Jesse Winker this season.
  2. Whoa, I'm surprised that run on Ward's play actually should count: http://www.stevetheump.com/scoring_runs.htm Third: There can never be a force play when a fly ball is caught. Here is an example that is often called incorrectly. With runners on first and third with one out, the batter hits a fly ball to the outfield that is caught. The runner on third legally tags and scores, but the runner on first goes half-way and fails to tag. The outfielder throws to first and the throw beats the runner attempting to return to first. The run from third counts, since this is a time play and the run scored before the 3rd out was made at first. When the ball was caught in the outfield, the runner on first is not forced to second, but is free to return to the base. Since a tag at first is not required (the ball must only beat the runner to the bag and be in legal possession of a defensive player), many umpires incorrectly interpret this as a force play and do not score the run.
  3. Plot twist: Phillips will pitch tonight. And Mookie Betts will hit a HR left handed off him.
  4. You forget, this is his second career. The whole musical show tunes thing didn't work out for him.
  5. People listening to the game on radio right now: "The Dodgers pitcher's name is Peppy O???"
  6. Very cool, but the "If Brian Cox was asked to voice SpongeBob SquarePants with a camp, high-pitched American accent" audio is the best part.
  7. Whoa. While you're time-traveling here, can you tell me what the S&P 500 will close at on that day? Just for academic curiosity, of course.
  8. I *think* for those of us with MLB.tv subscriptions, the game will be available 90 minutes after the end of the game as delayed replay. At least that's how it was last year.
  9. Bonus lame joke: Q: Why are there two "D"s in Trent Woodward's name? A: Because if there wasn't, he'd be Trent Woowar.
  10. I am totally on board with rooting for the Dutch. I've never seen this guy play before, but I love him already:
  11. Wait a minute, if you take out the B and the M from Marsh's signature you are left with a dot and a dash. Which in Morse Code is "ET". So actually Marsh is telling us he's an alien from another planet.
  12. On the other end of the spectrum, here are some of the all time best... Harmon Killebrew Mariano Rivera And of course... Mickey Mantle
  13. Could be worse, though. I predict this Orioles farmhand is not gonna make it out of AAA with this kind of work ethic...
  14. If you're lucky Marsh gives you that uniform number (16). If you're not you just get a line.
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