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Dick Enberg

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Everything posted by Dick Enberg

  1. LOL! only little when I'm wet. which is most the time. Jerry can't say that
  2. Jerry must have been wearing his plaid shirt, striped pants, white belt and shoes that day. slick as a teflon banana peel
  3. attendance 39K plus? no way, lucky if there were half that in the stands. Can't see 20k worth of tickets paid for and left unused, especially against the Yankees. Something fishy in Denmark
  4. Sorry, now that Dino is gone, no one to pass out Santana's phone number to all the gals sitting behind the dugout
  5. was able to attend the game last night. was nice to see the halos beat the Yankees up a little bit...Nice surprise to see Rengifo in his ML debut. he looked good. his hit was a well hit ball beating the shift. I think his 3rd time up when he K'd he looked a little overmatched, but still, this guy is going to help us down the road.
  6. anytime Trout misses a few games, it seems he comes back cold. takes him 7-10 days to get his groove on again.
  7. Must have been before the pre game meal. usually he has to put on a pullover or windbreaker to cover the pasta stains.
  8. Ohtani first game we'll be monumental. He'll hit 3, 4 homers, team, fans, go nuts. we ride that wave into a long winning streak and grab the second WC.
  9. I'll be at the game tonight. I'll post my findings in the morning. Yankee fans be extra loud and obnoxious tonight, since they'll be going for the 4 game sweep. Ass-bites!
  10. If you took Trout of of the line up, then compared it to the Salt lake Bees line up, they look pretty even!
  11. I've seen Justin Bour do that at Sea World once!
  12. They look terrible. Yankees AAA team handling us. when I watch the Halos play, I keep hearing Benny Hill theme song music in my head.
  13. Everything will be fine! just drink more beer!
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