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Everything posted by well_red

  1. Not often you see a non-ironic use of the word 'plethora'
  2. pretty grim up here too. We've had one storm of note, and luckily it dropped a good amount of water. but we've got an impossibly long way to go to get to our "average" of 40 inches/year. I don't even think we got that much last year after the hose turned off in February, and before that it was 20 inches or so a year since 2011. If this continues then the fire season next year could be apocalyptic all over southern california.
  3. I'd love to see an in-depth article about the typical day for a major leaguer during the season. when do they get up, eat, run errands, get to the ball park, what training & video etc do they do before the game. what's the locker room like before and after the game, etc. what do they do after the 7pm games, different for young guys vs veterans. i remember a new yorker in-depth article about tiki barber that was pretty eye-opening in demonstrating the 24/7 prep he had to put in just to make it through a typical football week.
  4. inevitable, especially after that little girl got hit bad last year. i don't like watching games through the netting, i try to find close seats with no netting, so no idea if those seats exist any more or will be worth the bother. whatever, i only go a few times a year, maybe i'll just get seats closer now since i'd have to deal with the netting regardless. personally i don't think it is true to say the netting doesn't impact the view, sure you can see the whole field just fine EXCEPT for the tiny white ball zipping around at 100mph. I was at a quakes game last year behind the netting and no one within 3 rows of me could track the ball off the bat.
  5. jerry likes his floors high, doesn't bother about the ceilings
  6. The problem isn't really the breed. They aren't even considered as near the same level of aggression as the Rotweiler, Doberman, or German Shepherd, the typical watch-dog/police breeds. I've had friends with well trained and cared for pit bulls that were amazing, gentle, fun pets. The problem is the ghetto/desert/rural assholes who buy them because they look tough, then don't train them, tie them up and leave them outside, don't interact with them, don't socialize them with other people or other animals, and encourage aggression. The number of poorly trained and neglected pit bulls in shelters is staggering, especially in the seedier parts of cities or rural areas. It has almost everything to do with the owner demographics. The legitimate concern is that it is was literally bred back in history to fight other dogs, so you can't just take them off the leash at the dog park and assume they'll be ok, they won't necessarily instigate but they won't back down and are savage fighters.
  7. Says you can send and receive emergency alerts over FM, how does that work? One of these days soon I'm getting a personal locator beacon, lots of people have been rescued off of Baldy or in San Gorgonio wilderness with them. I like to wander off in the rocks in Joshua Tree but easy to get disoriented. Found this Youtube channel recently, no idea who he is but lots of nice videos along hikes around San Bernardino, LA, and the Sierras, more informative than guide books etc.... https://www.youtube.com/user/jhuckeba79/videos
  8. I'm as liberal as they come and I agree wholeheartedly with this. State and local government should play a larger role in our lives, the massive federal government is evidently now unable to represent constituents, campaign donors, and the parties, and do any actual meaningful legislation. The country is big and diverse and the current political system is deadlocked and driving a wedge through the US, maybe time to accept regional differences and stop fighting for the moral high ground.
  9. Searched but don't see any mentions, just started watching Godless on Netflix. I wasn't taken in by the first episode, but after a few more episodes it is quite good. Fairly traditional western themes but feels new and not cliche..
  10. The anti-Clinton non-dogmatic conservatives who begrudgingly voted from Trump because they hate the Clintons THAT much. Seemed to be a pretty sizable population.
  11. fuck that piece of shit stadium. they couldn't pay me to go back there, it actually made me sad.
  12. This is amazing. Hopefully the powers that be will allow Burning Man to become a test sample, should take care of itself in a few years.
  13. insane that the guy who wrote this book got white house access from trump himself, and he just sat on a couch and people told him all this stuff, taped no less! adds a whole other dimension to the level of dysfunction.. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/amp/news/michael-wolff-my-insane-year-inside-trumps-white-house-1071504?
  14. my wife's family is from the albany area, the high for her hometown on saturday is going to be -6, insane!
  15. Maybe tomorrow he'll take credit for zero polio cases in the US in 2017!
  16. Should be a year-to-year decision, one year rolling contract. It would be best for everyone.
  17. i don't recall ever having a year where there wasn't even a hint of a storm system for this long. often the storms miss us at the last minute or peter out when they get here, but the complete blocking of everything this year has been crazy.
  18. Strange, the metacritic score is pretty dang high (http://www.metacritic.com/movie/star-wars-episode-viii---the-last-jedi). The actual user reviews by normal people are extremely polarized though... FWIW I thought the last one was surprisingly good.
  19. what a horrible horrible story. and after all that, they put the kid in foster care, instead of with his father? hopefully that's just some technicality and he can get custody.
  20. no way she gets another chance, she had the presidency gift wrapped for her and she couldn't get the votes. i saw an interview with chelsea last year i think, and she came off as that much more disingenuous and fake than her mother.. i think the clinton's are better off using their powers for fundraising etc, they are way too polarizing.
  21. The had a 25 year old with 52 homeruns last year, and they added a 28 year old with 59 homeruns, they have them both for at least the next 5 years. In this case I think the hype is warranted, that's pretty much the definition of blockbuster.
  22. right, i'm sure there is more "diversity of opinion" across the bible belt or the midwest than there is across los angeles or new york's 10's of millions of citizens. no, no, there's no "group think" happening outside of these hotbeds of "liberal elitism". give me a fucking break.
  23. Maybe it'll become his thing to loosen up the crowd. He can refer to a black member of congress as Aunt Jemima at a Martin Luther King Day ceremony. Or mention how he got jewed out of some money by his cable company at his Hanukah celebration. Guess I forgot this particular President gets a free pass on being a decent person.
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