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Everything posted by Spencer

  1. It needs to be written that the cather can block the path if the runner is X amount of steps away
  2. Lol @ Carney Lansford. Was at a Yankee game with a NY friend a few years back, and they had the 'calling all angels' montage up. He thought it was hilarious "A Carney Lansford single from 1976? Who gives a shit?"
  3. I don't understand the fuss. Everyone in socal should have their own favorite korean shop. For me, it's Rose Donuts @ Lincoln and Rio Vista. Apple fritter and ham/cheese croissant 4 lyfe
  4. Nah. Del Taco is for signing checks. Carl's Jr is for fightin
  5. Contracting with Union Pacific RR. Lease site audits and emergency response (hazardous materials releases).
  6. Noble Ale Works if you ascribe to a liquid diet
  7. There is nothing cool about the Salton Sea. I've had to work in Niland a couple times recently (and in El Centro and Imperial). Whomever thought that area could be a vacation spot was a fücking idiot.
  8. That's the shit I wanna read about. But pics or gtfo
  9. Thiiiiiiiiiis aint no funkay reggaaaaaae party
  10. I should clarify. The posts aren't directed to nor cal peeps in general. It's like my fb friend's aunt posts on my fb friend's wall, and it shows up on my feed. The fake concern irritates me. What if this was the case: "Oh my goodness me! Everything ok? Saw there was an earthshake!" "AUNT JILLIAN!! HOLY SHIT, THANK F*CKING GOD YOU FACEBOOKED ME! MY HOUSE WAS DESTROYED AND TIMMY IS TRAPPED IN THE RUBBLE! PLEASE SEND HELP!!!" "Oh that's terrible! Thoughts and prayers!!!" Get real, random relative. You're not in a position to help, and if there actually was cause for immediate concern, I'm not bothering to check my facebook feed for well wishes.
  11. Lol, I have my reasons. A couple more have popped up since this morning.
  12. Again with the earthquake "Is everyone OK??" nonsense. If you were truly concerned about the person you are asking, you would call them. Or text a quick "sup?". Reaching out through social media seems so fake to me. Neurotic older ladies trying to maintain some semblance of connection to friends and family they hardly see or hear from.
  13. Doctor Who series premiere was tonight. I thought it was a solid introduction to the new doctor, Peter Capaldi. Anybody else watch?
  14. Ahhhh, the Percy Squint seig heil. My evening is now complete.
  15. The best homeless duds i ever saw was in santa barbara. Guy standing on the corner wearing a green alien mask with a sign that said 'SPACESHIP OUT OF FUEL'
  16. AO hitting on my wife is also not appealing to me.
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