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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Confederate flags belong in museums and national park battlefields. Not within the local, state, or federal government.
  2. I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Unless I missed it though, none of the fat white guys approached the officer in a "perceived" threatening way. Having said that, should the officer have even pinned down the girl in the first place.....
  3. Can he throw to first when the runner is stealing second? If not, franchise over.
  4. Good to hear. Always difficult to lose someone who has been so vital to our recent success.
  5. You're a glass half empty type of guy aren't you? Actually in your world there is no glass. Glad you're a Ducks fan and not a Kings one.
  6. Mother goose was too much of a pussy though.
  7. Make Duggar wear a shirt that says "God hates sister diddling" and that can make up for some of the crap he's caused.
  8. You're all going to feel stupid when he puts up 30 100 300 like the last guy promised.
  9. I'm not saying it would have been perfect cez and I agree the racism in the north as well as the south would have hindered progress. However Lincoln's unwillingness to condemn the south and show compassion would have helped the healing process a lot more and potentially sped the process up a lot faster.
  10. John Wilkes Booth really screwed things up when he killed Lincoln. I'm not saying things would have been perfect but Lincoln's goal of peace, reconciliation, and malice toward none would have done everyone a whole lot better than what the Johnson administration did along with the Radical Republicans.
  11. I never said it made sense. I'm just equating it to AO's self bans.
  12. As a Kings fan I really want the Ducks to lose but at the same time I'm kinda hoping someone says "I agree" in response to vladdy's posts at the end of the playoffs. I think if the Ducks win the Stanley Cup, vladdy has to post only positive things about our government in the political forum.
  13. Skydiving was kind of a thrill but I'm kinda tempted to go to a McDonalds in Brooklyn.
  14. World War II planes are my favorite. My grandpa flew P-38 in the pacific in World War II so I've always been partial to that plane. Whenever a Mitsubishi pulled in front of him on the road he joked that the last time that happened, he shot it down. About 10 years ago my dad and I got to fly in a B-17. Wasn't cheap but it was well worth it.
  15. Is there a chance that the Angels didn't want to repeat a Bobby Abreu type situation? That might have been their thinking. A player that had performed really well coming to the end of their contract looking for more years who was on the wrong side of 30. The issue might have been that the Torii era came to an end really close to the Abreu situation. And then Hamilton was signed....
  16. A sign of the times? I need to find a bible and see where Jesus talks about this.
  17. I thought the guys hanging outside Nordstrom's were for interior decorating?
  18. It wasn't Aybar. However you have finally identified who his henchmen are. Good detective work. Case closed.
  19. It is obvious that Katie Hamilton learned from Josh how to cheat. That much is clear.
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