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Everything posted by ukyah

  1. i disagree wholeheartedly. i don't even feel any kind of hatred towards any teams, including ones in our division. i cheer for the angels and want them to win. other than that, good for whomever wins it all. i actually have many teams that i like, but i want the angels to win above all. i find all the hatred to be childish and kind of insincere.
  2. i'm really looking forward to seeing morin, bedrock and alvarez in the same bullpen.
  3. this thread is fun. i have two cats. one is a bitch who should be thankful for what i give her and the other one learned how to live right from our old dog.
  4. it will have very little positive impact if any, because moss is hitting something like .320 against lefties this season. for some reason they still want to platoon him.
  5. it seems weird that you're making money off of trout without him being compensated, and AW seems ok with it. it's not my decision to make, but it's a bit off color for me. i'm only expressing my personal opinion and not calling for any action one way or another.
  6. i think you guys are going to be disappointed in regards to your ibanez expectations.
  7. i thought the hero cat was a calico. isn't this one black?
  8. i'm the one who posted the number of starters used by playoff teams last year, so your point is not lost on me. however,we'll just have a philosophical difference of opinion. many teams struggle with starting pitching depth or the 5th starter slot, depending on how you want to approach the topic. the angels are not unique in that regard. the problem with the bullpen and the reason why i believe we need a closer is that we have been losing the games that were supposed to be wins. i acknowledge the bullpen has improved lately. i'd imagine that the 5th starter spot on a good team averages around .500 ball, that's an educated guess. upgrading that spot while worthwhile, would pale to the number of losses we've sustained in both close and late and small lead scenarios. the angels record in one run games is a testament to that. as far as the established closer is concerned, it's not like i have a hard on for the closer position. for the angels specifically it could have a dramatic effect on the quality of the bullpen in it's entirety, simply by slotting everyone else down. i know i've said this a million times, but it's only because i can see the benefit so clearly.
  9. every team has weaknesses. the angels struggle with risp, but that is not something that we can fix in season. what the angels can effectively change to bolster the team is depth and quality of options. that's why playoff teams add a bat to the bench or an arm to the pen or rotation. the angels have a need for a starter and a bigger need for a closer. they're not going to become a flawless team, that's just not reasonable. accepting that you can only correct a few of the teams flaws or weaknesses, i would add the closer. if he's effective, the trickle down effect would be monumental for the pen.
  10. i'd absolutely take him, but i doubt he's available.
  11. that is a totally relevant question, but it's one i could only pretend to answer. actual mlb trades are based off of criteria that i'm not privy to. that's why forum trades are always so ridiculous and one sided. if i had a pipeline to dipoto and he told me it couldn't be done, then i would have no choice but to accept that as truth. i'm just saying, if we can acquire a closer when teams are looking to move them, then our biggest deficiency all but disappears.
  12. if we can piece meal the bullpen until around the trading deadline, then acquire a closer; this team would be in business for making the post season. after that, it's on the players basically.
  13. it wasn't andrus, it was the rookie 2b.
  14. victor, by today's standard, is great. there's no need to pine for rex or look elsewhere with the wandering eye.
  15. i might be a closet douche, because that just looks like a guy in sunglasses to me.
  16. good win. i like frieri, but not as the closer. we need the legit closer to set up our bullpen from the top down.
  17. what was he thinking about two weeks ago? absolutely ignorant criticism, and i'm one of the dudes that gets blown up as a hater.
  18. i know i bust your balls sometimes, but i'm in total agreement.
  19. he doesn't even exist in my world. that entire FA class is all just a blurred image that i've forgotten.
  20. when you're posting, if you click the link that looks like a chain, that is nine slots over from the "B" button, then you can have a clickable hotlink that doesn't require copy/paste.
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