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Everything posted by Butcher'd

  1. We should give Aybar an extension for that gritty performance last night. Love how butthurt the A's fan base is at him!
  2. The most unheralded player on the team to me is Chris Iannetta I wish Scioscia would give him more at bats at DH. I don't mind Conger catching a guy like Santiago who needs someone who can frame it, but Iannetta>Beckham and Navarro
  3. Nope. But when you're 3+ wins ahead of the rest of the field like Trout in 2013 and 2012....then, yeah.
  4. Feeling confident right now. Of course that all can change if CJ loads the bases and throws 35 pitches in the first inning.
  5. No Dansby, Dockett, or Washington. Our front 7 is ****ed Secondary will be pretty epic Still don't have a real QB 7 wins Same ol' Cardinals...ugh
  6. I would love to see it happen, but everything points to an A's sweep today unfortunately. We're playing them in their building, we're 3-8 against them, national TV, their pitcher is having a better season than ours, etc.
  7. What, in your opinion, are respectable numbers out of a guy making $15M/year? I'd say 3.50 ERA and 1.25 WHIP is what he should be producing. He's well off those numbers this year. I don't think anyone is "expecting a number one starter". People are frustrated because he's not producing like a 2 starter, and he's not producing like a 3 starter, and well, to be honest he hasn't produced like a quality 4th starter even. We're getting Dan Haren production out of this guy in the 3rd year of his big deal. You don't see that as frustrating at all? I agree, he pitched well tonight, but overall his production is way below what should be expected out of him
  8. He's hovered around replacement level 2 out of his 3 years in an Angels uniform according to B-Ref after putting up back-to-back 4.4+ WAR seasons with the Rangers. His one good year was 2013 when he put up 3.3 WAR but he still struggled mightily with control and allowed too many baserunners that year as evidenced by his 1.34 WHIP. His AAV over the 5 years is $15.5M. If I'm paying a pitcher over 15 million dollars a season I'm expecting at least 3 starter production all 5 years, and Wilson hasn't provided that for the Angels. Or 2 starter production for 3 years and 4 starter production for the other 2 years, and CJ sure as hell doesn't appear to be doing that anytime soon. He has been no such bargain. He's had one good season for us. Big whoop. That's not enough to call a pitcher who signed a multi year deal a bargain.
  9. Are you really this angry about what some people posted on a message board. I feel sorry for you
  10. They should have signed Russell Martin. Very good catcher
  11. It's just so frustrating. They can't beat the good teams. They continue to shoot themselves in the foot by never being able to take care of business against Oakland. Felix will make quick work of them in the wild card game too
  12. This guy is just a total loser. He'll be chased in the 6th
  13. Welp we just aren't a better team than them with this pitching rotation. Sorry folks
  14. They're going to murder his fastball. He has to be able to throw his offspeed for a strike
  15. Biggest game of Wilson's Angel career. They're paying this guy to much $$ for him to not step up with Richards down.
  16. The way Norris caught it made it look low. But it was right there.
  17. They showed it on the pitch tracker and it was clearly in the zone
  18. Alden Gonzalez just confirmed on twitter this move has nothing to do with Jon Macdonald So Howie just might be on the move
  19. Trade Howie for a 3 starter now
  20. sucks Wells and Blanton come off the books this offseason. Go get an actual good starting pitcher!
  21. Phil Hughes would be great Weaver Hughes Santiago Shoemaker Wilson Not that bad. They'd have a chance at it with that rotation
  22. Bogaerts and Betts have been pretty atrocious. Definitely some easy outs in that lineup without Ortiz and Napoli
  23. You could stand us up at the gates of Hell But we won't back down
  24. I agree,people are completely out of control about Hamilton. Why can't everyone just agree he's not the player he used to be? Just say "he sucks". The comments about his past drug and alcohol abuse are offensive and should continue to be taken down by the mods. I'm as frustrated as anyone about this guy. It pains me everyday that we're paying him 25 million dollars the next 3 seasons. But some take it to the next level.
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