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Posts posted by Barrett

  1. 32 minutes ago, Scotty@AW said:

    I would quite literally be willing to allow him to take financial ownership of the Angels franchise.  I bet the Red Sox wish Babe Ruth never wore a Yankee uniform. I don't want to see Mike Trout ever associated with any other baseball team. 

    Winning is more important than one player. As great as Trout is and he's phenomenal. There is a time in his 30's that he will start to decline which probably will be around 33-35 ish. It isn't always going to be this pretty. Paying Trout 40 plus million dollars for his 36-42 seasons wouldn't be good. There is a number you just say no at. You wouldn't bat an eye at 60 million dollars a year?  

  2. 1 minute ago, Angel Oracle said:

    Definitely some truth to this, although TJS necessity has become a league wide epidemic.

    As mentioned, better to test him now, then in ST.   At least now he has a chance to return to pitching by ST 2020, while DH'ing about 120 games throughout 2019.

    New plan of attack for Pujols: 40 DH starts and 40 1B starts in both 2019 and 2020, and then retirement and collect remaining $30 million in 2021 while starting personal services portion of his career...could still be a valuable part-time player in those two seasons.   Then give the other 120 1B starts to either Thaiss or Walsh.  

    New plan of attack is if Ohtani can hit and hit with out limitations. Pujols is done. He can either play 1st place or he will not be playing. Ohtani presents 10000% more upside than Pujols has. His playing career here is over. If the Mike or the new manager play Pujols 1 day over Ohtani it should be a fire able offense. 

  3. Just now, mulwin444 said:

    Better now or Spring 2019?

    Who cares. Same result Ohtani is done pitching and probably won't be very good the first year he comes back from pitching. Who knows with the hitting, this is literally new territory for a hitter. I don't know of very many players other than pitchers getting Tommy John surgery. Just bad news all around for the Angels. Medical staff and their training staff is basically worthless. I remember years ago with Kendrys Morales, the fucked up his stuff so bad, Boras was going to murder the front office. Shoemaker who the hell knows what happened there, but it took 2 years. Every pitcher is either dehydrated or some other excuse. Just makes me sick to see Ohtani go down like this. Hell I called it on Richards when he came into spring training throwing 100 plus miles per hour. It is just par for the course. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, BackUpTheTruck said:

    I think 2020 is a more realistic year to expect the Angels to start contending for the WS.

    If Cozart can't bounce back, and if Fletcher, Ward, and Rengifo prove to be busts, then Arenado should be considered.

    From what I have seen though, Fletcher and Ward show promise. Rengifo can potentially be a dynamic player with his speed.

    I would rather have inexpensive production from these young players and spend money on a closer and starting pitching depth.

    Taylor Ward while I agree should get every single start at third base for the rest of the year. He has not shown promise. He is hitting 197 with a 254 obp and 364 slg. He is showing pretty much nothing. As for Fletcher he has a really nice batting average at 282 but obp is eh at 322 and slg is still middle 360s thats not fantastic. This team lacks power and lacks depth of power as well. 

  5. Just now, Lou said:

    of course he's playing for the money.  it's his f'n job. 

    I don't get why people forget this part. Sure people would do this or say they would play a sport for free. But guess what the owners are making millions of dollars so should the athletes. It is what it is. The Angels and Albert should part ways this off season. Will it happen highly doubtful. 

  6. On 8/26/2018 at 5:19 PM, 70runner said:

    Screw the NFL.  Rather watch Pujols ground out to 3rd, then shuffle down the first base line.

    That honestly can't be your true feelings. You would rather watch a 40 year old man shuffle down the first base line, then watch athletes playing at high speeds and showcasing their athletic ability?

  7. 1 hour ago, tomsred said:

    How do you know that he put in the paragraph of getting to three thousand hits? 

    That's sounds like an incentive that the team, or the team's marketing department, would put in his contract.  It forces him to continue to perform at a level that would get him there, and not give up after only a few years, and still collect his entire contract.

    Yes he was offered more money to come here by Arte, but the Cardinals were not interested in matching that figure.  If he felt that the Cardinals did not value his contribution to the extent that Arte did in the past, or future, why would he want to stay there?  I wouldn't.  I would want to go where I was more wanted.

    Money is a huge factor and it should be. Arte is making hand over fist money and so is Albert. Nothing wrong with that, and ZERO reason to think that Albert will retire before getting every last penny. I know I would. Angels should eat the contract and move on, that's what I would do with his contract now. It is a sunk cost anyway. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Stradling said:

    Well he’s got all the money him or his kids will ever need.   So it’s about when he feels he’s done and not about the money left on the contract.  

    As for no human would leave that much, I’m guessing Adam LaRoche leaving $13 million and retiring or Gill Meche retiring with $12 million don’t ring a bell.   The premise is he would retire at the end of next season, so it’s less than $60 million.  I’m guessing percentage wise that amount is a smaller amount to his career earnings than LaRoche or Meche.  

    I don't want to argue with you just to argue with you. But you do realize before he signed this contract he had all the money he ever needed right? So that's kind of irrelevant. No smart human being will walk away from 90 million dollars. I don't care how rich you are. almost 100 million dollars is a lot of coin.  

  9. 59 minutes ago, Stradling said:

    When you are in a position to retire will you work two more years?  

    If I am being paid 90 million dollars the next 2 years ya why not. Whats two more years. It is not like he is 75 he's 40 and he is playing a game. If I was 40 playing a game I'd play until someone wouldn't give me a contract. He is an athlete all he's ever known is baseball and playing it professionally why would he give it up. I get you are on the kick that he will retire early. I just don't see that there is any possibility any human being with any sign of intelligence would leave that much money on the table. If someone offered me 10 million dollars and 1 million dollars respectively for my house. I wouldn't take the 1 million dollar offer.  

  10. Just now, Troll Daddy said:

    Adell isn't ready Freddy ... he'll definitely need another year imo

    Isn't that what I said with either this upcoming year or next year. Calhoun is only signed through next year. You can find a one year stop gap if you traded Calhoun before Adell got here. 

  11. Just now, Stradling said:

    It also could be possibly his WAR as a first baseman and his overall WAR this season, I don’t know @Barrett

    Ya I don't know either. I don't get WAR it was @Angelsjunky who was saying the difference between them. But whether he was a 0 WAR or a 1 WAR he is still not good from a WAR standpoint. I just look at the actual numbers and go with that batting average slg and obp and by those I just don't get it. Wish there were a way the Angels could just eat the contract and find a better replacement. Whether thats with Thaiss? or free agency or a trade. It would go a long ways in helping this line up if they legitimately had a MOTO bat at 1st base. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Stradling said:

    Flop is victim of assuming the stats were pretty equal to a couple weeks ago.  When he shared this 10-14 days ago Albert was 8th in AL and 16th in all of baseball in first baseman WAR.  At the time Albert was a 1 WAR. Now he’s about a .7. 

    Didn't someone say he is at a 0 WAR? As someone else put it a 0 or .7 or 1 WAR is still a replacement level player. 

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