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Jason last won the day on April 23

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About Jason

  • Birthday February 27

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    Fishing, firearms and bourbon

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  1. That’s a bit early for the cheese to be put on.
  2. Not at all. Their victim mentality is strong, and they refuse to look inward to deal with problems. Some of the numbers in this poll are rather funny though.
  3. https://www.pewresearch.org/race-and-ethnicity/2024/06/15/most-black-americans-believe-u-s-institutions-were-designed-to-hold-black-people-back/ Interesting. 76% of blacks think that not enough is done about drugs and guns and then 74% think too many blacks are locked up? I guess 74% of blacks aren’t going to like it when someone finally does something about the guns and drugs. I do agree with them about single motherhood and abortion.
  4. Being told I can’t make a u-turn when I really need to is gay. Maybe these homos are actually heroes for removing them.
  5. Uh-oh. I routinely post while actively taking a shit.
  6. You aren’t wrong here. There’s plenty on policy Trump could hammer away at but that’s not very Trump like. As far as the debates, they seem to be more for entertainment at this point as most people who are going to vote have their minds made up. Biden stepping out of the race would be a wild curve ball though.
  7. If Biden were to drop out then who would the Dems even put out there?
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