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Everything posted by Don

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/news/doorbell-ditch-prank-led-crash-145750209.html Dude seems like a real piece of shit.
  2. Labeling Rogan as a bigot is just excruciatingly dumb. Dude is pretty decently left of center by most measures. The Sanders campaign should absolutely be happy to have him on their side. But if this is the way of the new left (meaning one must be perfect to not be cancelled), then they are for real f*^#*ed for awhile.
  3. I was thinking of that thread when I started watching this one. People were for real freaked the F out in that thread.
  4. I get you, but Bernie basically did everything right the last time around and still got screwed over by his own party in the end. Then he basically said thank you to them for doing it. I can't imagine that he believes it'll work out differently this time.
  5. Crazy that it came all the way back around to you. I imagine that doesn't happen too often. Also, is the guy you send the filing fee to Nigerian by any chance?
  6. After what happened to him in 2016, I don't know why Bernie is still sucking off the DNC and dem establishment. Dude should be trashing everyone out there and forcing the DNC's hand ( like he should have done in 2016 too).
  7. A Ted Cruz presidency would have been so freaking funny.
  8. When I went to the movies last weekend I was sort of expecting lengthy previews. So I got to the theater at the time the tickets said the movie would start and assumed like 10-15 minutes of previews. Went and got some pop thinking I had plenty of time. Then I walk into the theater with my pop seven minutes after the time listed on the ticket, and the freaking movie has already started. Was truly shocked.
  9. Have some respect please. I believe the preferred terms are Kaz-ass, Zakh-tang, or Stan-gash.
  10. They just built a Freddy's near where I work. This is a very good thing. I'd put Freddy's at #2 in my overall fast food burger rankings, and an easy #1 in the Midwest.
  11. I went and saw 1917 over the weekend. Really freaking good. Similar in style to Dunkirk (which I also really liked) in a lot of ways. Definitely one of those movies that I think would be much different to watch at home versus in a theater. So, if you're into the whole depressing but super visceral war movie thing, go see this while it's still in theaters.
  12. You'll know it's legit if they call back and need your SS#, mother's maiden name, and elementary school. Give it to them and collect.
  13. I used to work with a dude that had what I can only describe as farting attacks. It was freaking hilarious. We worked in a small office, and every now and then this dude would get up and try to leave the room as fast as he could, just ripping horrific ass as he was walking away. Then he'd come back like five minutes later acting like nothing happened.
  14. This thread title feels racist when you try to use it in a sentence.
  15. That's what I thought too. I think every politician has been called a liar enough times (probably accurately) throughout their career that it doesn't create enough offense to confront someone over it. It seemed super staged to me. She probably walked right over to her campaign manager afterward and asked, "Did I do it right?"
  16. It would definitely get weird AF real quick.
  17. The latter part is definitely true, and the former part is kinda sorta true. When they try to make 70 year old DeNiro look 40, his face ends up looking like a 60 year old dude who had some bad work done. So the faces look younger for sure, but it's not even a bit worth it in the end.
  18. I'm not a fan of Trump, and I suppose this is an example of hypocrisy (or at least missed campaign promises); but this is one everybody is guilty of. We might not be in the exact same position with somebody else in office, but I highly doubt we'd be in a dramatically different one in terms of military presence in the middle east. I think there are plenty of foreign policy points to go after Trump on, but I view this particular one as more of a result of the perpetual war machine than anything else.
  19. It's good to have a goal in life once again. Thanks.
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