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Everything posted by Don

  1. Hey now, as a graduate of one of those fine institutions, let me say that what the students/staff choose to do during their online classes is none of your business.
  2. I was joking of course, but I do agree that the cascading effects of various industries shutting down/limiting staff in the coming weeks could get pretty serious. Especially in certain industries where there isn’t a ton of remote work ability or skill redundancy among employees. Like I think of the company I work for... there are a couple of fairly low-level guys that if we lost would basically ruin our productive capability fairly quickly.
  3. And then the prison system breaks down, and now we have a plot for ConAir 2.
  4. Apologies. This revelation is at least partially to blame on the liquor store stock up @Jason and I both made recently.
  5. I do what I can. That said, the first case in my county didn’t show up until like last week, and I shake a lot of hands.
  6. Had a thought just now. I went on a cruise from Jan 5th to 13th. Was pretty not good on the morning of the 12th. Ran a 103 fever from the 13th to roughly 15th with no other symptoms besides a cough that lasted about a week and feeling kinda like shit. Given the international nature of those boats and the lack of testing/awareness until recently, is it possible that I/lots of others have already had this and just didn’t know? Or was that just standard ass cruise disease?
  7. No. Do that shit. I’m looking into it myself tomorrow. Might as well get something out of this shit show.
  8. I’m way ahead of the curve there.
  9. I’m sure you’d know better than me. If it gets to a point of true overwhelming of hospital staff in an area, maybe it could be a matter of law enforcement becoming part of a sort of default medical treatment/triage staff though. Just a thought, as I assume most LEOs have some degree of basic medical training. I’m obviously hoping it doesn’t get to that though, and y’all can keep to the standard day to day duties of course.
  10. The thing that honestly concerns me most isn’t the mortality rate (though that’s a huge issue for certain populations)... it’s the number of people that might require hospitalization/real medical attention of some kind. Everything I’m hearing seems to suggest that’s about 1/5 cases. That’s a huge number.
  11. I usually keep about a year’s worth of household supplies at home anyway (meaning I buy all that crap roughly once a year, then wait for it to get low, then re-supply). Not because I’m worried about anything, it’s more just me not wanting to do it once or twice a month. Once a year seems much more efficient. Just did the big TP, paper towel, household cleaner, deodorant, soap, toothpaste run in like late January. Feeling good about that now. That said, I did go to the store here today to grab some steak for dinner. Wasn’t any more crowded than a normal Saturday, and supplies of everything other than TP seemed perfectly normal. There was a teenage kid there disinfecting every used cart as it came in though.
  12. Nice crapper. Good shower access. That’ll be important when you run out of TP.
  13. Agreed. Really enjoyed this last season, especially Scoot. I also can’t shake the idea that the dude that plays Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo is basically a Latino Edward Norton.
  14. I think in Biden’s case it might be a legit disconnect from reality.
  15. You should come to the Midwest.
  16. Meh, he’ll probably just bitch out like last time.
  17. Lol at LA to Sacramento. By the time this is done it’ll be a trillion dollar train running from Merced to Ludlow or some shit.
  18. I actually don’t think the skill sets are terribly disparate from the farmer side. Data and data analytics applications have been gaining a lot of steam in the ag industry over the last 10 or so years. There are a lot of young people that grew up in that industry that understand the value of things like NDVI data and want to apply it (or have applied) it to ag endeavors. A lot of the old school guys aren’t developing apps of course, but there are plenty of younger people in that space that understand the value of modern information processing and how it can help their bottom line.
  19. If you ever want a good three hours of crazy stories, go to a bar somewhere in rural Kansas (or Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, etc...) and ask someone in the ag industry what the craziest thing they ever had to fix on the fly was. You will not be disappointed.
  20. Yeah, that’s some BS there. I went to college with a lot of people that grew up in farming families. And yeah, the guy that runs a local liquor store or a fast food employee in those rural areas might be a dumbass (maybe), but the people running successful farms are most certainly not. Most of the time, in fact, they’re very well educated. Engineering, chemistry, and biology degrees are pretty common within that group of people in my experience. It takes a lot to keep a farm running. A knowledge of hard sciences, economics, and freakishly good/easily adaptable mechanical skills are an absolute must. People shitting on them like they’re all backwoods hicks with a fifth grade education is one of the things I really dislike about urban lefties. It simply isn’t true, and just a tiny bit of effort thrown towards understanding the issues in those communities would go a long way to getting past that.
  21. Has Aubrey Huff gone off the grid or something?
  22. Admittedly, being unlicensed makes it way easier for guys to just disappear with someone’s money.
  23. Some people call him transphobic because he’s been pretty outspoken about not wanting trans athletes to compete against people that aren’t their birth sex, especially in combat sports. Which seems pretty freaking reasonable to me, but apparently it’s the same as being the freaking grand wizard of the KKK to some people.
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