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Everything posted by Don

  1. Add some simple syrup and an orange peel and they call that an Old Fauci.
  2. My grandfather is recovered. Had to go to the hospital for a few days with a pneumonia infection, but said he felt fine the whole time really. He’s pretty pissed that my mom even took him there. 3 days of antibiotics and steroids and they released him a few days ago. Doing just fine at home now. Decent enough outcome for a 97 year old dude with leukemia.
  3. John Rocker was kinda like the Iron Sheik ironically.
  4. I think there's a lot more to the Drew narrative than that. He was such a hyped prospect that when he didn't turn out to be an absolute mega star it was viewed as a bit of a disappointment. But the early career hype was so much that he got a ton of media attention throughout his career. Couple that with everyone promoting the idea that he didn't reach that mega star potential because he wasn't tough/didn't really care enough, and I think his name just strikes a lot of people negatively. Hence everyone saying he was overrated. Nah, dude was a really good major league player, just not what he was made out to be as a youngster.
  5. Dude had 100 wins by the end of his AGE 24 SEASON. For comparison to some other greats of the era, the highest win total through age 24 out of Maddux, Smoltz, Glavine, Randy Johnson, and Clemens was 60 (Clemens and Maddux).
  6. I agree with you here, though even the moral arguments that these writers make don't stand up to any real scrutiny.
  7. I think the issue lies in the perception of the BBWAA being an overwhelmingly old and out-of-touch group that is actively choosing to take a moral stand against some players of a certain era while ignoring the moral shortcomings of players in other eras (or even players of the steroid era providing they liked the dudes) out of some sort of misplaced nostalgia. Again, it's just a perception that is likely only accurate on the fringe of the voting body... but it's hard to ignore that it exists for a reason. Those "activist voters" are largely grandstanding when they have nothing of substance to stand on.
  8. David Ortiz was so much fun and everyone really likes him? "We really liked this dude, he was fun" is basically the voting criteria used lately.
  9. So this is basically just a bunch of senior citizens pleasuring themselves at this point if I'm reading this right.
  10. 6.21 ERA in 2021... but hey, his FIP was only 6.11. So I mean, upside, right?
  11. I can't see anybody really doing anything of impact to stop it.
  12. The stance remains the same as always. Someone schedules an appointment, I show up.
  13. Just letting you know I've seen this story twice on national websites.
  14. Unpopular opinion: I don't think Jeremy Strong is as great an actor as everyone likes to say he is. Case in point: the dude in that video just did Kendall Roy pretty much exactly as Jeremy Strong does him.
  15. Eric Davis is another one that is kinda historically underrated now. Admittedly a lot of that is due to both cancer and injuries. His stretch from 86-90 was pretty ridiculous, and he's probably a HOFer if his career doesn't get derailed after that. What's weird is that he had that injury/cancer stretch from like 91-95, then miraculously came back and was a really solid player again from like 96-2000. Just an odd career.
  16. Beltran has a pretty decent HOF case. Him and Rolen actually have the same career WAR (BR). It's interesting though because so much of Rolen's value was on D, even though he was a very good hitter. Beltran, on the other hand, kinda put together a ridiculous offensive career pretty quietly. The counting stats are impressive (2725H, 435HR, 312SB) and the first 10 or so years of his career were really really good.
  17. He's seen black people before, and it was ok. His friend also tried it once, but it was not ok because he was too tall to feel comfortable.
  18. Yeah, if anything I think they up the ante on the wrestling character candidate. Going more moderate is not the play.
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