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Everything posted by laagamer

  1. HOW IS SOMEONE 0-7 AND STILL IN THE ROTATION? Whoever is running this team is a joke.
  2. Forget ERA. Richards allows fewer baserunners per inning. Give me him.
  3. These numbers aren't going to last. I'd be amazed if he still has a below 4.00 ERA in August. That being said, he's keeping the ball down and getting a lot of double plays. I agree that his style happens to take advantage of our defensive abilities.
  4. New drinking game. Take a shot every time Blanton gives up a run. I don't think I'd make the 5th inning.
  5. I think he is. He just takes these huge natural strides that freaking propel the heck out of him. He doesn't look fast. His feet aren't going up & down a lot. He's simply covering a ton of ground with each stride. Watching how quickly the background goes buy is another good indication. He's flying.
  6. Single happiest moment of my week. So much win.
  7. Well, we all knew this could happen. I think it was still a good incentive loaded deal.
  8. Our pitching is improving. Now our offense sucks. So much for winning.

  9. Oh please, do you expect him to say that they plan to lose? Or just not say anything at all? Who cares either way? There are always people that run thier mouths. Every generation brings more young individuals who want to "speak their mind". So many & often that I can't even keep track anymore. So I don't bother. Keep talking, we're just going to play baseball.
  10. 6 wins in a row is asking alot for any team. That's the problem with digging yourself into a hole early on. You end up needing win streaks to bring you like back to normal instead of it just being a plus. Personally, I don't think we'll get back to .500 before May.
  11. How can you guys vote to drop Blantana? Have you people even seen his stuff? Best on the staff. EDIT: Besides, opposing teams wouldn't have anyone to throw batting practice...
  12. Kick ass. You always need good long relief.
  13. Has someone posted a picture of Wells in here yet? If not then someone please do.
  14. How can you say Grienke would be out with us? That fight wouldn't even have happened. And we've already dug a hole we'll never be able to get out of. Just like last year. I like Dipoto, but he doesn't seem to get results. Almost only counts in horseshoes & hand grenades.
  15. No team is random. Anyone read Moneyball by chance? My short knowledge of metrics. The playoffs are what's random. Any mf named the "Oakland A's" can win a best of 7. We've got 153 more to go.
  16. Our severe lack of SP

  17. Blanton, hands down. Jepsen is up there though. So much disappointment.
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