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Erstad Grit

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Everything posted by Erstad Grit

  1. Why? As far as I'm concerned we traded our best power hitter for unproven pitching. I hope I'm wrong but Dipoto has not sold me on his ability yet. BTW- he should not get credit for filling a hole at 3b since he is the one that created the hole and IMO filled it poorly.
  2. Ibanez at DH is not the worst idea, but I think we need someone who can also play 1b to help out Pujols. I would have liked to see Garrett Jones but he is off the board. My vote would be for Lyle Overbay.
  3. Just looked up Hector.....not impressed at all. That 1.40 whip is alarming.
  4. Sad thing is V Wells might have been useful in a trade like this.
  5. Freese hit 9 homeruns last year and Callaspo hit 10.
  6. One of my favorites. Loved watching him as a Blue Jay taking on the Yankees all by himself. HOF awaits.
  7. You are right it's not close. Last 2 years Cano has faaaaaaaaar outplayed Pujols.
  8. Exactly! Its pretty hard for any fan to take a stab at fixing this team because of how massively bad past decisions have been.
  9. In 2016 we will be paying Weaver, Pujols, and Hamilton 79 million dollars. In 2017 we will be paying Pujols/Hamilton 58 million. I'd rather take a shot now when getting production from these guys is still somewhat realistic.
  10. One could easily argue he was the best pitcher in the MLB the second half.
  11. Normally I would agree with you 100%. However our team is horribly structured with huge backloaded contracts which makes me think winning during the years 2016-2019 is going to be VERY unlikely. So as bad as it sounds going all in to win during 2014- 2015 (hoping Pujols and Hamilton rebound) and being prepared to suck later makes the most sense to me. Keep in mind I was not a supporter of the V Wells, Pujols, Hamilton deals.
  12. I really don't want Blanton in the rotation.
  13. Nick Punto. Our quest to reassemble the 2011 Cardinals infield will be one step closer.
  14. These 2 SP would make me stoked about the team and our chances. I say forget the 150 mil it would take to get Tanaka and grab these two guys. If they cost too much (not my money?????) trading HK for a prospect to free up the cash would be worth it. Weaver Wilson Jimenez Colon Richards That is a World Series bound rotation.
  15. Not an all star caliber hitter......Check Former Dodger........Check Sign the guy!
  16. Santana or Halladay would be an excellent low risk high reward signing.
  17. Japanese minor league? What is the equivalent here Junior College?
  18. Probably because how most of the big FA deals have not faired well for the team. I could see Cano being a huge success. Kent was still an incredible asset at 2b very late in his career and I bet Cano does the same.
  19. I hate hate hate this. This dude is an embarrassment to baseball and now I hang my head in shame as an Angels fan.
  20. I agree. I hated the deal when it happened. Angels can only eat so much money and Vernon Wells is getting a lot this year from us.
  21. 7 straight seasons means he is now past his prime. His time on the Rangers he did not look good.
  22. As much as I love JW I get this move. Blanton will be the new swing man and we can't have two making 12-13 million.
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