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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I think he got like a million bucks in donations from racist whities while all this was going on
  2. If Rice doesn't get into the final four I'm quitting college football forever
  3. Mud 9/10 excellent! Nebraska 7/10 not one of Paynes best but solid nonetheless. Frozen Ground 7/10 decent
  4. Those are benefits of not containing/dismantling/destroying ISIS
  5. Two things I don't do. 1.) Steal stuff. 2.) Be a cop
  6. I still maintain that had it not been for the devastating event on the night of Christmas Eve in 1979, in which 19 people lost their lives when his pick up truck hit a sheet of ice and swerved into that school bus, Ralston Schmidt would have been in long ago.
  7. I feel like had Tank not just had surgery he'd have gotten the Tiger gig over Como
  8. Those guys are already in the Copenhagen Hall of Fame
  9. Played Arroyo Trabuco yesterday for the 1st time. Really nice golf course. Some course knowledge is important. Did not play well. Started Par, Bogey, Birdie then the wheels came off. Found a lot of bunkers, fairway and greenside and hit it into the shit off the tee a few times, but mostly troubles on the greens. Could not find the speed or really get any reads. 10 3-putts. Just brutal. Shot an even 100
  10. This is just another repercussion of living in a collectivist society
  11. I feel for any person of any color who respects the rights of others and wants to create a good life for himself and his family and is mistreated for any reason by police. My black buddies get pulled over all the time. But in this case the cop was clearly not committing a crime. If there were going to be bureaucratic shenanigans they would sacrifice this one guy - indict and convict him.
  12. Imagine if those commie lib broads liked money. They could monetize the shit out of this thing
  13. I don't know the metrics, and I'm not going to look them up, but Cespedes seems like a pretty shitty outfielder who misplays balls and boots them all over the field. He happens to get a lot of assists, particularly against the Angels
  14. That will be fine for the Sox if Hanley puts up career avg. type numbers. IF...
  15. I'm just speculating... I don't think they want a butcher at SS and they've got a good young one there now.
  16. A few of us were discussing this on Sat. night. Everyone was raving about MLB network but we all said "except for that Russo guy."
  17. They'll probably convert Hanley into a left fielder and try and ship an OF
  18. Finally have an opportunity to post. We had a great time last night. Nick & Laina & Avila, Eric, Eric Notti, Derek & Jessica, Jody & Brown Troy, Oracle, Slegnaac, Bruce and Farrah all showed. I hope I'm not forgetting anybody. We had way too much food and way too much booze. (I can't believe I'm saying that. Damn, I'm getting old.) Slegnaac took down the poker game with brilliant play. I hadn't seen a lot of you for quite some time. It was really great to catch up with everyone and see some new faces as well. Everyone was very generous. Stradling hooked up the In N Out, which was a huge hit. Notti brought a box of PercySquint Playing cards, which we'll all treasure. Bruce left behind a Saloon's worth of booze. Everyone was so gracious. Thank you all for coming out. Also, due to the generosity of those who attended we raised $700.00 for Mike's grandkids! Lastly, our community was given the honor of owning Mike's calling card - his chinaman hat. As a group we all loved the idea of having the hat encased in glass and making it the official annual softball tournament trophy, with the winning captain owning it for the year.
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