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Everything posted by m0nkey

  1. I've accidentally used 6 donuts on brown houses the past few days
  2. Everyone cries about simers yet here you guys are discussing him and his article. Good job, tj
  3. Rough couple of weeks for him
  4. I know griffey has done it but I don't know who was first
  5. I had this same problem the other night. Couldn't get into my origin, but was able to log on the next morning
  6. Happy birthday baseball mom! Nothing like a sincere birthday wish on a message board
  7. Rename this thread to "wallerrrr sighting"
  8. When I go to in n out I just give them a bowl and ask for thousand island dressing
  9. I haven't seen any pictures but just reading these things is sick
  10. My phone freezes time to time when I visit caliangels place
  11. I'm guessing its the pirates walking off on the astros on the dropped pop up. The same astros team that recently took 2 of 3 from the angels
  12. Is there a way to skip to the end of a thread on the mobile site?
  13. Not Ianetta. You're all welcome
  14. Now this play and the ball he lost in the lights will define his defense in the minds of many
  15. Awesome. Less people to deal with at the stadium now
  16. Congrats to you and the misses! That's awesome
  17. I was going to say "in before people complain about the broadcast"
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