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Everything posted by m0nkey

  1. Not going to lie, I was hoping mark ellis would walk so puig would've had a shot
  2. Hw might have the best arm in baseball now
  3. It should be illegal for a "closer" to get a save in a 20 inning game.
  4. We kept hearing how good his stuff was/is. I don't care how good your shitty ass stuff is, get the job done. He had the one great start against the tigers, and 3 below average/poor ones. And in the pen, he's the last guy I want pitching in any situation
  5. Hambone in the 2 spot. Absolutely love it
  6. No ones asked if there's any relation to kate
  7. You call out other people for adding nothing to the conversation yet you post this
  8. I forgot about Chris bosh. What an even bigger joke
  9. Tony parker can go **** a tree. And even though the game was basically over, dwyane wade missing that lay up at the end was a joke. Wade will be the reason why the heat lose, if they do. He is such a joke
  10. Damn, he automatically shoots up to #1? Has cowart fallen or is this guy that good?
  11. Hopefully mcguire pans out better than the last catcher they took in the first round out of BC a couple years ago
  12. Lol. Some little kid got trucked by a guy going after the ball
  13. I'm not a believer in williams but I don't get this
  14. I love going to games alone. Granted I've only gone once, but you don't have to deal with anyone and their nonsense. I'll definitely be going to more games by myself
  15. I like how these threads stay on topic
  16. How long until we find out his name is yasiels puig
  17. If you don't have a bluetooth, just hold it like a normal phone
  18. People who hold their phone up to their mouths while driving. I don't mind that theyre not using a wireless piece, I think it's a dumb law anyway. But to put it on speaker just to bring it up right to their mouth isn't doing anything except making them look like a joke. Everytime I see one, I literally, yes literally, think "What a ****ing idiot"
  19. He does a lot for his charity and down syndrome and I'm sure he's a good guy, but my god I hate him as an angel
  20. I don't post in these threada, but know that I enjoy reading them
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