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Everything posted by Blarg

  1. This thread has not a damn thing to do with pitching, Mr. ADD.
  2. For a fast guy he has a minor league career 74/46 stolen base success. He was 0-3 and your expectations for his 4th at bat was what?
  3. You guys need to pick an inning that the Angels didn't score 2 runs.
  4. Or Shuck who went 0-3 and is a minor league call up (like Jimenez could be having a flash in the pan momentary success) could strike out and Aybar ends the inning with a double play. So many different scenarios and yet the one Scioscia chose actually was successful.
  5. Where is whereis in the English dictionary?
  6. The pitch he bunted was a strike. See above for the rest of the response.
  7. Scioscia was trying to make sure he has a runner on third with no more that one out so a higher combination of actions at the plate that do not include a strikeout or infield pop up can score the runner. He was playing the better odds and Aybar's next at bat provided that run even though it resulted in an out. Also by playing it the way Scioscia did it almost guarantees Mike Trout will have an at bat with a runner on base. What would you rather have, higher odds of scoring at least one run and Trout up to bat or a potential double play then Aybar hitting that ground ball out to end the inning?
  8. Would you have been happier if Shuck had swung away like Hamilton and struck out or ground into a double play?
  9. At least he properly used capitalization and punctuation in his response.
  10. As Red pointed out, you guys are trying too hard.
  11. I am betting Scioscia is telling Hamilton to swing a heavier bat.
  12. Torii never seemed to lead this team to the playoffs for his last three years after Vlad left. Makes me think he never lead the team at all.
  13. There is no maybe, you are wrong.
  14. Most profitable, not most expensive per ounce. I think it is funny that the top four point to mindless addictions.
  15. Ok, who the hell is keying LTH's neighbors car?
  16. We had them on the roster for less than three months but not necessarily pitching together. Santana left his brain in Tempe during spring training, Haren left his back and fastball at the All Star game and Wilson was pitching 5 innings a game, now and then between cortisone shots.During the second half of last season the Angels had one of the best records in the AL.
  17. Absolutely. Some people are straight forward and make their intentions known but also will cease when told no in a firm manner. I have found that the most obnoxious are those that are fresh recruits and are high on their new found faith. Regardless of the steryotype or reality, most workplaces are non sectarian environments that are focused on the employers work product and should not be the vehicle for the presentation of religion, dietary suppliments or tupperware.
  18. Relax guys, once Obamacare is instituted all mental health disorders will be taken care of with the quality of care that our veterans receive.
  19. A post supervisor I worked with just lost her husband to something very similar to this. He was a cameraman and was bitten by a bug and eneded up with blood disorder which required him to be taking large doses of very exspensive drugs to combat the effects. It took three years for it to kill him and up until the last 5 months he was still working, my guess trying to keep his insurance.
  20. Amy Winehouse is dead, time to move on and let someone else into the top 15.
  21. And that was the last day Stickboy worked at Disneyland.
  22. We need more guys on a 50 game suspension? Manny is available.
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