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Everything posted by HaloFan85

  1. Not that surprising if he's been fighting drug addiction since he was 13 years old.
  2. If Butcher went after Blanton for simply trashing the coolers, then Butcher was absolutely in the wrong. I'm pretty sure it's a well known unwritten rule for everyone in the dugout to look the other way unless he starts throwing things onto the field or directing his frustrations towards others, which Blanton didn't appear to do either of. Did Blanton say something to Butcher? Maybe, but we'll never know unless they wish to discuss it to the media. Until then, Butcher will look like he went after Blanton for smashing coolers in the dugout, and that doesn't reflect well on Scioscia. It makes it look like he's losing control of his team.
  3. MLBN was debating whether or not King Feliz and Iwakuma should be considered the best 1-2 punch in baseball right now. It's going to be a tough series.
  4. with a full sized basement split into two rooms, one of which is finished into a "garden room"
  5. These numbers are through 90 games though. Trumbo should easily get to 30 HR, but the others might run out of games to do so. RBI will be close too. With 72 games left, they'll have their work cut out for them to reach 30/100.
  6. Batters have a line of .312/.346/.534; 22 HR (ranks 1st), .880 OPS (ranks 2nd), BA .312 (ranks 3rd) Yes, he's been THAT bad. I'm just surprised there's a pitcher or two that rank slightly worse in OPS and BA.
  7. That may be the law, but far from being right. BTW, how do you justify the story and video I posted?
  8. If abortion isn't murder like the majority of women seem to be claiming, then why is Ariel Castro being charged with 'aggravated murder' for causing miscarriages in one of his victims? I don't condone anything that POS did, but it seems like one of those questions that need to be asked.
  9. Definitely looks great although some of those images look artificially enhanced because you wouldn't be able to see the milky way with the naked eye as a 'backdrop' behind the earth. I'm pretty sure you'd need to look through an atmosphere or a special lens to see it. This is my favorite shot of Saturn: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA08329.jpg
  10. Cubsphil, now that's a name I haven't seen in years.
  11. I'll admit, I was a little surprised at the commentary (or lack thereof) by the announcers during Trout's home run. If you didn't see the ball go out, you'd think he just hit a routine fly ball to RF. After he hit it out, complete silence until he was all the way at the end of the dugout. Now, had that been Pedroia.... http://wapc.mlb.com/play/?content_id=28707325&c_id=mlb
  12. It's just ironic how cops have the right to kill any dog that poses a threat to them, but if a suspect (fearing for HIS life) happens to kill a K-9 that was biting or mauling him, he's automatically charged with killing a peace officer. Here's another ridiculous incident that hasn't been getting any attention. http://www.sgvtribune.com/news/ci_23511786/el-monte-family-outraged-over-police-shooting-pet
  13. Same here. My dislike for Lackey came well before he went to Boston.
  14. He threw 55 pitches his last start.
  15. It's hard to be picky about things like this when half of all women change something about their natural hair color.
  16. I've always thought Iannetta was overrated defensively, and Conger slightly underrated. Hopefully Conger starting 6 of the last 9 games means he'll finally be given a chance. I just hope he doesn't get hurt or doens't get benched after having a bad game.
  17. I believe the skittles commercial is a fake. While I think the Liquid Plumr commercial can be both bad and funny depending on your company at the time, I'm still shocked it lasted as long as it has/did.
  18. The hype isn't just about his numbers, which have been nothing short of incredible for a rookie in his first month, but it's the way he plays the game too. His reckless style of play is what's adding to the hype. People thought Harper and Trout played hard on every play, but this kid is on a different level when he's out there.
  19. I vote this commercial creepiest of all time, depending on who's around you at the time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7fz0jpuLkM
  20. Some cool pictures from inside Googles Data centers around the world. http://www.google.com/about/datacenters/gallery/#/all
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