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Everything posted by HaloFan85

  1. Like I mentioned in another thread, it's all about individual performances for me right now. That's all that's left when playoff hopes are dead. I watch the games mostly to see Trout, Trumbo, and Bourjos play.
  2. When I think of Joe West, I think of Fred Roggin's Hall of Shame. I can just hear the whistling to the theme music now.
  3. It's all about individual performances for me right now. Mostly want to see Trout, Trumbo, and Bourjos play. Any hopes of making the playoffs are gone.
  4. Couple finds preserved fallout shelter from 1961 at newly bought home in the Valley. Pretty cool pictures. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2337247/California-homeowners-discover-perfectly-preserved-nuclear-fallout-shelter-1961-backyard-stocked-canned-Multi-Purpose-Food-Dixie-Cups-boxes-Kleenex.html#ixzz2VtJO936z
  5. With all the screaming Yankee fans that show up and it being MR day, they just might log 82 home games played for the Yankees this year.
  6. Move: Signing Pujols. MFR: Why? With Morales coming back and Trumbo emerging as a true power hitter, this signing seemed completely unnecessary. Move: Signing Wilson MFR: Meh. I understood we needed another starter, but for a guy who was supposed to be a #1 in Texas, it never seemed like he could win a post-season game despite always having one of the best offenses in baseball. I also didn't like giving him 5 years. Move: Trading for Greinke MFR: Even though Segura was highly regarded by the organization, we had Aybar locked up for the next few years. I didn't know much about the other 2 prospects, so I was okay with the trade. Move: Trading Santana MFR: Mixed in the sense that there were slim pickins on the market and I thought we needed to keep at least 1 of Haren/Santana, if not both. I understood they most likely weren't keeping both, so I figured Haren was the better choice of the two to keep. Move: Signing Blanton MFR: Horrible deal any way you look at it. Move: Dumping Haren MFR: Didn't like this move with Santana already being traded. Thought he had a real good chance to bounce back from his back problem. Move: Trading for Hanson MFR: Indifferent. Didn't think much of Walden, and Hanson, more SP depth. Move: Trading for Vargas MFR: I was okay with this deal since we needed starting pitching and Morales was running out of room to play. Move: Signing Hamilton MFR: Same as the Pujols signing; why? We have Trumbo, Wells, and Calhoun also waiting in the wings. Even for 5 years, it seemed like a huge risk. I was completely content with having Trumbo and Wells rotating the OF/DH spots with Calhoun on calls notice if Wells stunk it up again.
  7. True, and that's all MLB's fault. Why these kinds of violations aren't an automatic loss of draft eligibility just surprises me. These kids will just keep on doing it without any consequences for their actions. They say he can still be suspended by his club, but he's still going to get paid, and missing a few games in the minors means nothing to a kid who's a couple years away from reaching the majors.
  8. He had 12 walks in 95 plate appearances in the minors with an OBP almost 90 points higher than his BA. Not much hacking there.
  9. EVER......... on this server.
  10. According to Langston, after the IE66 stint, he's supposed to do a brief stint in SLC. Then join the team on Monday to the Baltimore series.
  11. The only thing I heard Scioscia mentioned to the press was that they need to come out with a 'fire and sense of urgency' and that right now they have 9 guys in the lineup that look 'uncomfortable' in the batter's box.
  12. Only if Arte felt the need to bring on more big names to compliment the Pujols signing. Even if Pujols was all on Arte, it's still the GM's job to tell him why it's unwise to sign an aging Pujols to a 10-year contract who had a chronic foot problem dating back to at least 2005 and had shown signs of decline in 2011 despite the postseason he had.
  13. Trader Joe's Southwest Chicken Quesadillas. Not bad for frozen.
  14. It's bad enough there's one Smith in this movie, but two? Wouldn't see this even if someone bought my ticket.
  15. Your first line is why they won't do your second line. They basically commited themselves to winning for the next 3-5 years with the signings of Pujols and Hamilton. The back end of Pujols's contract is better suited for rebuilding. Your last line is what they should do before anything else. They need to completely rebuild the coaching staff from top to bottom. Hopefully by next year.
  16. Last year it was all about 1st inning runs, and with Trout leading off, they had a lot.
  17. Never wanted Pujols or Hamilton. Wasn't thrilled with the Wilson signing either. We had depth at 1B when we signed Pujols. We had depth for RF to replace Hunter. Wilson was coming off a horrible postseason performance 2011. I'm all for signing big names if it makes sense on some levels, but none of these made much sense to me. Wilson I could kind of understand, but not for 5 years.
  18. They mentioned on MLBN how Wally Joyner has worked very close with Domonic Brown. He's currently the assistant hitting coach for the Phillies. Maybe we can pry him out of Philly.
  19. I liked Langston's Kryptonite reference.
  20. Only 8 runs in 4 games against a staff that has the worst ERA in baseball and averages giving up 5.5 runs/game (most in baseball). Just when you thought the offense was figuring things out...
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