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  1. Like
    halobob reacted to Ray McKigney in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
  2. Like
    halobob reacted to Don in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
    So a three way with two homeless chicks? Nice.
  3. Like
    halobob reacted to HaloMagic in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
    Tank isn't the priest at the school, he's just a teacher.
  4. Like
    halobob reacted to yk9001 in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
    There isn't one mom who is sending this around who is under two bills... guaranteed.
  5. Like
    halobob reacted to Amazing Larry in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
    I'm a big enough man that I can admit when I f*ck up.
    I f*cked up badly when it came to that post. An epic thread was temporarily ruined on a drunken whim.
    A million Rondons (pardons) my AW brethren.
  6. Like
    halobob reacted to Adam in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
    I got a friend request from my 7th grade English teacher. He was a pretty cool teacher. Easy class. Accepted!
    Apparently, now, he's Captain Pyramid Scheme and has already tried to get me to attend a presentation about online auctions and purchase workout supplements from him. 
    2 days into our friendship, 2 pitches. 
  7. Like
    halobob reacted to Angel Dog and Beer in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
    Ok, this one is pretty funny:
    Ummm, I've always taken pride in my son's drawing abilities, but tonight he has surprised me with his interpretation of a VASE! His teacher is going to love this one!!! lol!!

  8. Like
    halobob reacted to DB24 in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
    My fav.

  9. Like
    halobob reacted to Adam in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
    I am a little annoyed that my wife won't let me make AIDS jokes on FB anymore. 
  10. Like
    halobob reacted to Brandon in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
    If we are going to talk shit, might as well drop in one time some chick drops a gem with no shame (I wonder if this chick is friends with family members that could see this)

    Not only does this chick post this with some kind of "Haha damn right", but has a bunch of other chicks that hit "Like"
    God bless social media. It's way too easy for people to not get laid.
  11. Like
    halobob reacted to yk9001 in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
    She was back yesterday.
  12. Like
    halobob reacted to yk9001 in Social media Peyt's Mom peeves   
  13. Like
    halobob reacted to Taylor in People who complain about immigrants taking jobs away   
    Not since this guy:

  14. Like
    halobob reacted to Brandon in No Halloween   
    My friend took it in Long Beach next to where she works. I think it was a carniceria.
    She got the racial blowback on her FB page even though she is half Mexican, and of course it was only the Hispanic race that mentioned anything about race or racism.
    I personally enjoy poor grammar in any dialect or language.
  15. Like
    halobob reacted to nate in prop 47   
    Yea to me all property crimes should result in jail time.  Anything you do that adversely effects someone else should be punishable by jail time.
  16. Like
    halobob got a reaction from nate in treehouse of horrors   
    Don't mind if I do!
  17. Like
    halobob reacted to yk9001 in World Series Format   
    Maybe its the regular season that needs fixing.
  18. Like
    halobob reacted to Adam in World Series Format   
    I don't mind either. 
    Both teams had the same capability to use players.
    There is no way Bum should've been able to go 5 innings on 2 days rest. I would've liked my odds if I were KC
  19. Like
    halobob reacted to Brandon in World Series Format   
    I also think the game is different if Panik doesn't make that diving stop.
  20. Like
    halobob got a reaction from Amazing Larry in WS Game 7 Thread SF@KC   
    I'm still waiting to see the AL representative get embarrassed 
    Sticking with my Giants in 7 prediction.  
  21. Like
    halobob reacted to DB24 in The Official Anaheim Ducks 2014-15 Thread   
    Textbook hip check by Fistric

  22. Like
    halobob reacted to AngelsWin.com in AngelsWin.com's 10th Anniversary Member Appreciation Interview with Robert Cunningham   
    As we celebrate our 10th anniversary at AngelsWin.com we've focused our attention on our writers, contributors & website members throughout the 2014 calendar year. Today we put the spotlight on Robert Cunningham. Robert, or 'ettin' (his member name on our community forum) has been a tremendous contributor to both online discussion and in-depth articles for our blog. Robert's pre-season article on Hector Santiago found its way on MLB Trade Rumors which later led to Peter Gammons joining our website. 
    Let's get to know Robert a bit more in today's AngelsWin.com Member Appreciation Interview.
    AngelsWin.com: When and how did you first come to AngelsWin.com?
    (ettin): I first lurked back in late 2009 after the Angels had made it fairly deep in the postseason. The thought had popped in my head that maybe there were some Angels forums out there and when I did a Google search AW.com was the one that caught my eye. After about a year and a half I started actively posting and then, when the Angels signed Albert Pujols, I was inspired to write my first article, "Masterstroke" at the end of 2011. The rest has been history.
    AngelsWin.com:  What keeps you coming back to the site?
    (ettin): I love reading and writing articles about the Angels. I've pulled back from overly posting too much as I sometimes find myself getting a little too emotional in my responses. In particular I really like the Minor League reports, updates, and Top 50 Prospect List each year.
    AngelsWin.com:  What have been some of your favorite articles and threads?
    (ettin): Saltzer's articles really seem to strike a chord with me. "A Roll of Quarters" was one of my most favorite pieces in recent memory from anywhere on the Internet. I become particularly fascinated when I see a thread start that clearly has no meaningful existence and suddenly it snowball's sideways into some bizarre Twilight Zone episode of 10+ pages. I get sucked in somehow and feel simultaneously dumb and thrilled at the same time.
    AngelsWin.com:  What in-person events have you attended from AngelsWin.com (Spring/Summer Fanfests, Charity Golf, Charity Softball)?
    (ettin): Recently, for the very first time, I attended the Angels Fanfest tailgate just a few months back and got to meet many of the faces behind the e-sig's here on the site! In the future I'd like to attend more but that is currently dictated by my work schedule which has been very fierce over the last year and a half.
    AngelsWin.com:  Why is AngelsWin.com your internet home for the Angels?
    (ettin): The host, Mr. Richter, has been gracious in welcoming me into the AW.com writing community and so I use it as an outlet to share my opinions about Angels baseball with other great, like-minded individuals. As I pointed out above the articles and Minor League discussions fascinate me.
    AngelsWin.com:  In your opinion, what is AngelsWin.com’s best feature: the articles, charitable events, game-day chat, message boards, Fanfests, podcasts, etc?
    (ettin): The articles first and foremost but after attending a Fanfest event I can say that I'd love to attend more as I am able. I suspect the charity events are even more fun so I'll try to get to one in the coming seasons.

    Ligther Side

    AngelsWin.com:  Where do you live and what do you do?
    (ettin): I live in Palos Verdes, CA and am an aerospace engineer working for Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems.
    AngelsWin.com: Why are you an Angels fan?
    (ettin): Growing up my parents would drive us on field trips from where we lived, in Santa Maria, CA, down to see Angels and Dodgers games. These were really great and I found myself particularly rooting for the Angels as time went by and really settled in as an Angels fan in the early 80's.
    AngelsWin.com:  What was your first Angels game that you remember? Who’d you go with?
    (ettin): Unfortunately I was  young kid when I attended my first game so I don't remember which one it was. I know I was with my mom, dad, and brother which was always a good thing!
    AngelsWin.com:  Who have been your favorite players? Why? Any great stories or interactions with them?
    (ettin): My favorite Angels hero was Brian Downing. Others over the years included Doug DeCinces, Bobby Grich, Bob Boone, Wally Joyner, Mike Witt, etc. For a while after my parents passed in the early to mid 90's I didn't watch for a while but players like Chili Davis and then later Darin Erstad, Vladimir Guerrero (rivals Downing in my book), Erick Aybar, Jered Weaver, Peter Bourjos, and of course Mike Trout. One time when I was about 13 years old my family was in Las Vegas and we were walking through the hotel we were staying at and I saw Rod Carew. I wasn't sure it was him at first glance but then I quickly became sure but couldn't work up the nerve to get his autograph.
    AngelsWin.com:  How do you survive the offseason?
    (ettin): Hot Stove, hot stove, and more hot stove. I notice that I tend to write more articles in the off-season than I do during the season so when I have time free from work I imagine I'll pump out some articles that everyone can either praise or lambast as needed!
    AngelsWin.com: What’s one thing you’d like everyone in AngelsWin.com to know about you?
    (ettin): I love my wife, Firozeh, and my three dogs, Blackie, Tweety Bird, and Bella! Love any type of games and in particular for the last 2 years I've wasted an inordinate amount of time playing League of Legends online under, unsurprisingly, the handle of 'ettinone'. Love baseball and space not necessarily in that order.

    View the full article
  23. Like
    halobob got a reaction from DB24 in The Official Anaheim Ducks 2014-15 Thread   
    Haha, I saw that guy during the telecast, he was pumped!  Fistric's hip check that send Rozsival into the Ducks bench was a thing of beauty!
  24. Like
    halobob got a reaction from nate in The Official Anaheim Ducks 2014-15 Thread   
    Haha, I saw that guy during the telecast, he was pumped!  Fistric's hip check that send Rozsival into the Ducks bench was a thing of beauty!
  25. Like
    halobob reacted to AngelsLongBall in UCLA Football Thread   
    A win is a win. Turn the page and tighten up for next weekend
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