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Posts posted by johndw52

  1. How many times have we heard players talking about winning by feeding on each others success, wether it be hitting or pitching.  This team is suffering from the opposite.  Defeatism and no sign of turning it around. Dont see much anger when things dont go their way. They need some sort of confrontation (manager, other team, team leader?)I dont think Washington had any idea it could go this low but he wanted another shot. 

  2. Sorry, but Trout needs to swallow his pride and give up center field, assuming he gets back "healthy" . Platoon 1st base and the take the lions share of dh? He's still a good athlete and could pull it off. Harper did what was necessary to keep himself relevant.  Moniak coming around would sure make it an easier transition. Just spitballing. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Angel Oracle said:

    Now that Intuit Dome is completed for next NBA season, Clippers owner Steve Ballmer and his $105 billion net worth needs a new challenge.

    What better than overwhelming Moreno with an offer (up to $4 billion?) to purchase the Halos, and then begin a battle with the Guggenheims up the 5 freeway and eventually get a new stadium built with his own money?

    One can dream.


  4. How about Tori?  He certainly has the personal skills along with his first hand  baseball knowledge. Im sure he can pick up the bean counting aspect of the job.Hey if  they hired Reagins with minimal skills why not Hunter. It would be a good look for Arte too. I'd love to see his attitude rub off on this organization.  They desperately need a lifeline. 

  5. Has anyone seen Trout hit that high fastball yet? Getting kind of worried. Looks like he may have to start cheating and commit earlier. That grand slam was a tailor made breaking pitch for Trout's wheelhouse.


  6. Wow!  Angels luck rears it ugly head once again. Or can this be a case of sneaking one past our crack medical staff? Doesnt MRI scanning pick up inflamation. It did with Cole's elbow. This is just beyond belief. 

  7. Smells like a buyers market right now. With Shohei and his cast of millions gone, Mike T and Rendon contracts sucking up payroll ,  Arte's is probably going to take a significant hit from the 2.5B value. Hope I'm wrong. After years of delusional hope, my conclusion is that Arte is the Barney Fife of owners. All talk with no bullets.



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