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Everything posted by johndw52

  1. How about Tori? He certainly has the personal skills along with his first hand baseball knowledge. Im sure he can pick up the bean counting aspect of the job.Hey if they hired Reagins with minimal skills why not Hunter. It would be a good look for Arte too. I'd love to see his attitude rub off on this organization. They desperately need a lifeline.
  2. Nothing yet on Stephenson but Perrys head x-rays show nothing.
  3. Does anyone know where I can find these stats? Clutch too?
  4. Besides all of obvious baseball insights he brings, I see him becoming more of the positive face of the organization which Arte desperately needs. Who doesn't like Tori? Great move.
  5. Suarez needs to go yesterday. Schanuel looks overmatched. Let him work things out in AAA. This on base thing has masked his lack of solid contact.
  6. Has anyone seen Trout hit that high fastball yet? Getting kind of worried. Looks like he may have to start cheating and commit earlier. That grand slam was a tailor made breaking pitch for Trout's wheelhouse.
  7. Wow! Angels luck rears it ugly head once again. Or can this be a case of sneaking one past our crack medical staff? Doesnt MRI scanning pick up inflamation. It did with Cole's elbow. This is just beyond belief.
  8. Are pitchers subject to mandatory x-rays/MRI as a condition for trades or free agent transactions. Seems likely considering the amounts of money spent.
  9. Smells like a buyers market right now. With Shohei and his cast of millions gone, Mike T and Rendon contracts sucking up payroll , Arte's is probably going to take a significant hit from the 2.5B value. Hope I'm wrong. After years of delusional hope, my conclusion is that Arte is the Barney Fife of owners. All talk with no bullets.
  10. Contracts for... Lorenzen and Bellinger would put us into wild card contention. If our bullpen lives up to expectations I think its possible. Of course if injury demons continues to haunt us, all bets are off.
  11. This might be the last chance direct threat to light a fire under Adell . A good/great ST would enhance his trade value.
  12. I hate this move but its brilliant. They pretty much own the Asian market now even if they fail to get to the series. Thats pretty much a checkmate to Arte.
  13. Journalist AI is a form of high tech plagiarism. Used by those who shouldn't be within 10 feet of a keyboard let alone writing for some news site. Rendon is obviously thin skinned despite Moreno's selective press corp. This guy would be roasted alive by the NY media. Think Randy Johnson Hall of Famer. Grow some balls and direct this hostility towards the opposing teams.
  14. Will this salary loophole start a trend among other .large market teams? And will MLB make any attempts to minimize its negative impact on smaller market teams? Looks like that ship has not only sailed but has split the iceberg.
  15. Failed but true pioneers ! Very curious to hear what these two guys would say (RIP DD).
  16. What about our outfield defense? With Renfroe gone who's our best arm? I know its not Trout. Just thinking by the eye test where would the Angels rank. Seems maybe average or below.
  17. Heaney starting a WS game????
  18. Thats great news for the Stassi family. God bless them. Now lets all get behind a Max comeback.
  19. Stupid yellow line in right field! All it does is hinder normal flow of the game. Total waste of energy. Confuses outfielders and runners then stops everything for a review. Really bad idea. Since no one seems to know what the net run total for the Angels is, just erase it or prove it works for us. Bad idea.
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