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Everything posted by Lifetime

  1. Taco Adobe downtown Orange and Linx Sausage House in Orange (next to Wahoos in old town)
  2. I hold off rebuttal until I see the list of players that support your assertions
  3. I know that. That was not really aimed at you. I know the Angels tried to tweak his mechanics and rightfully so. Blaming his suckage as an Angel on Butcher and Scioscia trying to tweak his mechanics is ridiculous.
  4. Asking him to change something, like move to the other side of the rubber is a minor tweek and a far cry from asking him to change everything. It's an exaggerated lame excuse for poor performance.
  5. The two aren't the same though wicked. They aren't vilifying arod more because he's a jersey. He's getting a stiffer penalty based on his actions which include using PEDs, recruiting other players and attempting to cover up his actions. Comparing him to Pettit is erroneous.
  6. BS, but it doesn't matter anyway. Ignorance is not an excuse.
  7. I don't read his shit. Haven't for a long time. Not surprised some here actually like him though.
  8. Ya writing utter crap, poorly I might add, for shock value is so much better and honorable than kissing ass.
  9. Picked up a Lagunitas Lucky 13 - another Red Ale at Hollingshead the other day. Very good red.
  10. So where's the violence against others in that?
  11. Are you sure about your AAV numbers doc? That seems too high.
  12. He's not the one who orchestrates the roster moves, no. He can't move someone off to make room for a call up. Of course he has a say in who is brought up once the space is available.
  13. “This team has some guys we feel are going to play at a higher level than they’ve showed the first couple weeks of the season,” Scioscia said. “If things continue to stagnate, we’ll put more weight on [a Trout] decision. But right now, we’re trying to find the identity of this team, and we’re not there yet. “It’s not as simple as Mike Trout coming up and being the answer. He’s not the finished product. He’s still learning stuff every day. Where he is right now is where he needs to be.”“I don’t believe anything is imminent, but when you play at the level Mike is playing at now, you become more of a focal point of fans, the media and the organization,” Scioscia said. “When a move is made depends on a lot of things. When you’re playing that well, you tend to push the door open for yourself, but right now he will continue to play [at Salt Lake] until something changes.” Scioscia said the Angels will promote Trout only if there is a significant role for him, and the manager does not appear ready to create an opening just yet.
  14. It's not Scioscia's job to decide when to bring Trout up. He has to deal with the roster he's given. At the time, there was no place for him on the roster. There were things going on in the background trying to move Abreu if at all possible. But at the time Scioscia was asked about Trout, there was nowhere to put him. He said exactly what he should be expected to say under the circumstances. A couple days later, after not being able to move Abreu, Dipoto released him and called upTrou. The nonsense is trying to imply that Scioscia was against calling Trout up until Dipoto forced the issue. And, Scioscia was right, Mike wasn't a finished product and he was (and is) learning more every day. It is the same nonsense you've repeated here several times here.
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