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Everything posted by Lifetime

  1. Why is this another reason to walk him every time?
  2. "Trout and Harper and the rest of the young guys need to add some flare to the game." Oh, and Trout talks to the media all the time and has definitely become the face of the franchise. You'd have to have your head buried not to know that.
  3. Says the guy who made personal comments to start with. Awesome.
  4. Lol I wasn't being sensitive. I was responding to a couple of specific replies. Why should I ignore them? How about instead of responding like that you just address the subject?
  5. I bet you're wrong, but let me know when you finish your research.
  6. Are you serious? Pujols wouldn't be known by the casual fan? LOL!
  7. Trout talks to the media all the time. Trout has a rather large fanbase. Your premise is ridiculous and I don't think you understand the issues with Puig at all.
  8. Whoever made the Mondosi comparison earlier was pretty right on.
  9. What are the sentencing guidelines in Montana for the crime he was convicted of?
  10. Love his talent, hate his antics. I wouldn't want this guy in my clubhouse right now.
  11. So, Trout and Harper (laughable really)are too bland and need to be more Puig-like but you're not complaining or anything. You have got to be kidding. The last thing MLB needs is to be more like the NFL and NBA.
  12. Oh brother. I'm glad we don't have any players that act like he does. Are you seriously complaining about how Trout presents himself? Wow.
  13. Lol holy crap. It's a story about some issues they are having with one of their players. Nothing more. I didn't write the story or make this up. I just posted it as part of the ongoing conversation about Puig.
  14. LOL. So having to discipline a jackass player isn't trouble? Um, OK.
  15. LOS ANGELES -- Dodgers manager Don Mattingly pulled star rookie Yasiel Puig from Wednesday's 4-0 win against the Chicago Cubs in the fifth inning for disciplinary reasons. Mattingly would not disclose the exact reason for Puig's benching. Mattingly said he switched out Puig -- who is batting .346 -- with utility man Skip Schumakerbecause it gave the Dodgers "the best chance to win." After the game, Puig met with Mattingly and general manager Ned Colletti in Mattingly's office for about 30 minutes. rest of the story
  16. I take his word over a sports reporter trade rumer, yes - every time. There's nothing ironic or illogical about it. Of course you're more than welcome to do the opposite axalar.
  17. I understand you think this is ample foundation ettin. I don't. I agree that there would likely multiple teams interested in Scioscia, I just don't think the Dodgers are a likely trade partner. I don't think multiple teams being interested in Scioscia provides any foundation for a Dodger scenario, in fact I would count that as support of it being unlikely considering the cross town animosity. 1. Yes, Moreno is weighing his options. I don't think that means a trade with the Dodgers is a likely scenario. 2. I can see that being an interest for the Dodgers but I'm not sure how much "value" perceived or real that would represent for them. I don't think this is a scenario that Arte would like to see happen, to say the least. 3. I don't see this being a foundation for a Scioscia trade.
  18. Because they post trade rumor stuff all the time that is inaccurate which is why when posed a question about a trade rumor a couple years ago at a AW event, Tim Mead responded that most of what you hear about trades in the press is false (not a direct quote but close). So no, I don't trust any trade rumors in the press, no matter who it is. As for your speculation, I don't see any foundation for it. You're welcome to it of course, I just don't see it, at all.
  19. Uh, except I didn't pose it as fact. Of course it's purely conjecture, that's exactly how I intended it to be. "I also doubt there were any serious discussions about Kendrick."
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