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Vegas Halo Fan

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Everything posted by Vegas Halo Fan

  1. They are definitely provoking him. I don't know the motivation (apart from money). The team took off in the second half. Whether he had much to do with that or not, they are messing with a successful combination.
  2. If he were going to use some foreign substance to load up the ball, in this age of tight camera angles and high definition television, he wouldn't use something that was that stark of a contrast with a black glove.
  3. When I said that, I had no idea that they had previously inquired about him. I have to say this: Our FO has good taste in prospects to ask for. That said, Aybar won't return a top-flight prospect regardless.
  4. We had a blind player here once, at least he looked that way at the plate. I believe that he was a catcher.
  5. You obviously don't read this board very often. Teams are lining up to trade their treasure for our trash.
  6. My thoughts and prayers will be with you this weekend. Anniversaries are the worst. Date Chick sounds like a terrific woman - and so was your wife. You have been doubly blessed - although right now it probably seems like anything but, with all the memories flooding back. I feel privileged to be part of your journey as you share it with all of us. You have a great talent for making the reader feel real emotion. Fast approaching is October 29, my late father's birthday, and the day my mother passed away from breast cancer in 1984. There have been a lot of reminders this year especially, even the World Series. My father was a lifelong Cardinals fan. I can identify.
  7. After tonight, the Cardinals may be calling about Erick Aybar.
  8. A scrap of good news (although everything is relative with an offense as bad as Jacksonville's): Chad Henne has been named the permanent starter at QB for the Jaguars, and Blaine Gabbert has been relegated to backup. Maybe that sorry experiment is finally over.
  9. The NCAA really couldn't hammer Miami as badly botched as the investigation was. There was misconduct by the NCAA's own investigators. That, combined with significant self-imposed sanctions by the university, led to the penalty being as light as it was.
  10. Fish sticks. Hated them, was made to eat them, to this day cannot stand the smell or taste of seafood.
  11. Damned bench coaches are screwing everything up. Fire 'em all.
  12. It looks like they couldn't decide whether the helmets should be black or gold, so they chose both. I'm trying to imagine the thought process in the NFL offices when they approved this (the league has to approve all uniform changes). BTW - the Jags electrified the home crowd with two field goals today, doubling their previous peak 2013 home game point output. Jacksonville has scored 11 points in three home games - three field goals and a safety. The home fans have yet to see them score a touchdown. A friend of mine was telling me that today was Jacksonville's golden chance to win a game. The Chargers were working on a short week, they were traveling cross country and they would be out of their element. Being the eternal realist, au contraire, I told her. The Jags are at home, where they never score, and this offense has taken ineptitude to a new level. Another friend, a guy I went to school with in JAX who moved to St. Louis during our junior year in high school and is now a big Rams fan, apologized to his home town fans for the Rams squashing the home club. My reply: You should be embarrassed that the game was tied at anything past 0 (it was once 10-10). If Norv Turner were still coaching the Chargers, I might have given the Jags about a 25-30 percent chance in this one. As it was, no way, despite the short week, the travel or anything else. I know that better times lie ahead, but damn it's difficult to be patient with a product this bad.
  13. Not saying he's not worth a lot or he's a scrub, but $30M per?
  14. He was basically a .500 pitcher with an unremarkable ERA until 2011. I want to see more than three years of top level production before I anoint him one of the all time greats.
  15. I would have liked to see Torii win a ring, but I can say the same thing about Dale Murphy and a bunch of other good guys who had fine careers but never got to hoist the hardware.
  16. I've heard of fishing for likes, but padding your own total is pretty bad.
  17. When I saw the thread title, I just knew that this was going to be a Sharknado sequel. Which would have been preferable to what it actually turned out to be.
  18. I don't see it going seven games. I'm not sure which team would be a better match. Detroit has better starting pitching, but they aren't hitting. Boston is scoring runs but their starters aren't as good (great bullpen, though).
  19. Maybe a Foreigner cover band. This thread is pure gold.
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