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Vegas Halo Fan

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Everything posted by Vegas Halo Fan

  1. Fliers are fine when you're trying to build depth, not so fine when you're trying to build a rotation. Counting on guys who have been injured to carry the club sounds like a repeat of 2013.
  2. No sooner did I post and pop back to my Facebook page when I found this. It is from a woman who was in my senior class in high school. To all my Facebook friends Several months ago I started out a new business with Damsel in Defense and it has been the worst decision I have made in a while So I'm asking you my friends to help me out and order something online from me this month soI can at least recoup the investment I made in this business I appreciate your help since no one in this company has even tried to help me. I expected to have a mentor who would help me find places to sell this and offer to teach me where to get leads but apparently they are only in this fir themselves and to recruit people just to out a feather in their cap and money in their pockets If you can order anything I would appreciate I here us the link (Not sharing the link out of respect for anyone reading this). Let me get this straight: You screwed up in a business venture. I gather that the stuff you are hawking through said venture is either not in demand, is not worth buying or there are so many people selling it that no one can make any money (Herbalife, anyone?). However, I can "help you out" by buying crap that no one wants so that you don't have to take a bath on your investment. Welcome to life. Sometimes we make mistakes that we have to live with. I went to the website just out of curiosity to see what it is about. It is self defense stuff marketed primarily toward women. They sell things like pepper spray and stun guns and related accessories. The website says that you can "start your own business for less than $200", although I am guessing that like most such borderline scams, they probably upsell you quickly to where the "real money" is (for them, not for you). My wife and I learned a hard lesson from such a venture. We did considerable research before investing and everything we found said that it was a legitimate business. Apparently things had just not caught up with them legally. They were sued by the government of Canada for fraudulent misrepresentation and within six months they were out of business. The way that you made money, apparently, was to dupe people into making the same mistake that you did, then you got a commission for recruiting them once they handed the money over.
  3. I agree with what MT is saying about the political stuff. I had a sizable group of friends (about 20-25 eventually wound up in quarantine) who insisted on sharing every political article that supported their personal viewpoint with everyone on their friends list. About 95 percent of the time it was stuff I disagreed with, but even if it weren't I was getting quite enough political stuff elsewhere. I subscribed to a couple of pages during the election cycle but never shared any of them. I figured that most of my friends already know where they stand politically, and I was not going to dramatically change their political opinions by sharing an article on Facebook. I took said people out of quarantine about a month after the election, but there was a group of four or five who could not accept the fact that their guy lost in November and they set out to share every conceivable scrap of negative information about the president, true or not. The election is over, dude. Sharing that you still believe that he is a Muslim born in Kenya or comparing him to Hitler because of the Affordable Care Act isn't going to change the outcome. There is another friend who I had to quarantine for a completely different reason. We first became acquainted in elementary school. Even back then he liked to sing, and since I had been out of contact with him for the better part of four decades, I had no idea that he still sings. He quickly informed me, as well as everyone else on his friends list. Every day came posts of 8-10 audio files of his rendition of this song or that. He might find work playing in a bar with a small dance floor, but the recording companies aren't going to come calling. Ever. He might sound halfway decent if I were hammered to within a micron of becoming comatose, but I hope that he keeps his day job or else he will starve.
  4. I was looking over our DL stints last year. March 31 - Ryan Madson and Andrew Taylor, 15 days. April 9 - Jered Weaver, 15 days. Andrew Taylor, moved to 60 days. April 14 - Erick Aybar and Kevin Jepsen, 15 days. April 19 - Alberto Callaspo, 15 days. April 20 - Mark Lowe, 15 days. April 30 - Sean Burnett and Peter Bourjos, 15 days. May 30 - Sean Burnett, 15 days. June 12 - Robert Coello, 15 days. June 21 - Jason Vargas, 15 days. June 27 - Tommy Hanson, 15 days. July 3 - Peter Bourjos, 15 days. July 28 - Albert Pujols, 15 days. August 10 - Howie Kendrick, 15 days. August 21 - Robert Coello transferred to 60 days. August 24 - Kevin Jepsen, 15 days. August 29 - Chris Nelson, 15 days. September 16 - Kevin Jepsen and Peter Bourjos transferred to 60 days. Last year was like a MASH unit.
  5. Maybe we can void his contract for falsification of his application.
  6. If he has, I'm sure that Butcher would get him back on track.
  7. My news choices in the morning: Kim Wagner, Channel 3 (NBC) Stefanie Jay, Channel 5 (Fox) Kirsten Joyce, Channel 8 (CBS) Beth Fisher, Channel 13 (ABC) Barring any significant skin from these four, the Tu Desayuno Alegre chicks on Univision:
  8. Speaking of no courtesy, unnamed waitress at the Grand Cafe at the Santa Fe Station Hotel Casino tonight was not exactly in line for a world record tip for an almost total lack of service. Came to the table and took our order. Disappeared. Almost ten minutes later appeared with two iced teas. Disappeared for another 15-20 minutes. Came to the table and dropped off the entrees. Disappeared for another 15 minutes, then breezed by the table and topped off our iced teas with Coke out of a pitcher. Disappeared for about 15 minutes. Came back by the table, was told about the error. "I will get you another drink." Not I'm sorry, osculate my gluteus maximus, nothing. Was gone for more than ten minutes before returning with two iced teas. The place was not that busy, so it isn't like she was running non-stop. She seemed to be taking an inordinate number of breaks, because she was nowhere to be seen in the restaurant.
  9. I didn't make it to the Big A at all this season. Was considering one game in the Yankees series but that didn't happen.
  10. This is what I do with the elite players I have (i. e., Peyton Manning in one league and Adrian Peterson in another). Problem with Peterson is that the Vikings' QBs have been so awful that teams are beginning to jam up the run and dare them to throw, so his numbers are off. Still, it's hard to ignore the potential of him breaking off an 80-yard run for a TD even if he has been bottled up most of the day. One of my real problems is what to do with Maurice Jones-Drew week to week. Jacksonville is absolutely dreadful offensively, and the chance of him finding the end zone in a given week - or having meaningful yardage either running or receiving - is minimal.
  11. Several articles leading up to the game talked about all the kids they are playing, especially up front, and the disadvantage they would have against Oregon.
  12. I never get tired of these. The creativity in some of them is impressive.
  13. They work well in lower volume locations (Five Guys, for example). People would go into brain overload at a place like In N Out.
  14. While getting ready for work in the morning, I flip through the local news channels to see what the female anchors are wearing. If they aren't showing any cleavage or leg, I head over to Univision for the morning music program. It is usually good for a few very short dresses and/or bikinis, at least on the videos (and sometimes the hostesses wear something revealing). Actually listening to the news is too depressing. Eye candy is far more inspiring when I'm getting ready to take on the day.
  15. My guess is that most NFL GMs believed that if anyone could make him an NFL quarterback, it would be Bill Belichick and his staff. Interest went off the cliff when the Patriots released him, apart from one unidentified team who inquired as to whether he would be willing to change positions.
  16. That was one of the most awkward and ill-conceived press conferences I have ever watched. Mattingly was visibly irritated about the whole situation. It appears that the club is trying to provoke him into voiding his vesting option - which they may well be. The whole thing has been badly handled, and they have the money to buy him out if they want him to leave.
  17. Seems like a bit much to give up. Those are our three primary trade chips gone in one deal with insufficient return, IMO. I still haven't figured out why Toronto is so in love with former Angels' catchers. Already they have had Mike Napoli (albeit only briefly), Jose Molina and Jeff Mathis.
  18. None of this would surprise me. Most of us have suspected that Scioscia was de facto GM while Reagins was in place. This would fall in line with that if true.
  19. Best line in the whole ad, in regard to the desire to work with Mike Butcher: The appearance of the desire to work with Butcher will suffice.
  20. Glad to hear that you have that covered. God of Runs and I are going to ST to fix the bullpen, so it's all good. Buy your champagne now, folks.
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