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Posts posted by DMVol

  1. 9 hours ago, Angel Oracle said:

    The Boras Five sure hope so.   All are still unsigned with 5 weeks left until the start of the regular season.

    I don't know that the Mets are going to bite.  They seem to have been pretty set on not spending a ton this offseason. They still owe a bunch this year (I think) on the Verlander and Scherzer deals.  I'd be surprised if they go after Snell or Montgomery.  Maybe Lorenzen but not Snell or Montgomery. 

  2. 37 minutes ago, Kendo36 said:

    Trout basically said, try and put together a winner or trade me. That’s the only thing that could “change” is if we tank and rebuild. And all the free agents are out there. A starting pitcher wouldn’t be the worst investment for this year or the next.

    Trout isn’t going anywhere. The Angels would have to eat a huge amount of his contract.

  3. 54 minutes ago, jsnpritchett said:

    "The New York Yankees, who offered free-agent starter Blake Snell a five-year, $150 million contract before turning to Marcus Stroman last month, still have serious interest in him. They are waiting to see if his asking price drops on a long-term deal or if he agrees to take a short-term contract that could pay him in excess of $35 million a year."


    If they are really interested and this isn’t just an Agent planted story, I might bet on the Yanks…

  4. 13 minutes ago, Stradling said:

    At some point the blame goes to the players. They can simply say to Boras, these are the teams, here is the deadline, get me the best deal using those parameters.  Then Boras goes to those teams, negotiates for his player, brings back the different offers and the player chooses by the deadline. 

    I don’t think it’s too late by any means right now but signing too far in to the spring could mess with your ability to be prepared for the full season. Not there yet.

  5. 4 minutes ago, T.G. said:

    I'm not here to educate you.  I don't know what the plan is.  I just find it funny that people assume there isn't one.

    Obviously, none of us are privy to exactly what Reagins, Dipoto, Eppler or Perry have laid out. But a decade of really bad baseball seems to provide a few clues. Reagins and DiPoto de-emphasized international signings, which was a terrible mistake. DiPoto signed off on a couple of awful FA’s signings that restricted doing other things. I do think Eppler tried to build from within and retool international development but the Rendon signing seemingly restricted him. Perry clearly has emphasized drafting and development and putting money in international development. Those are pretty easy things to see. I do think Eppler and Perry have had plans that could work, with support. I also think DiPoto was a disaster. But, no, I don’t have the playbook. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, T.G. said:

    The narrative that Arte doesn't have a plan is funny to me.  We don't know what the plan is and so fans assume he doesn't have one.

    Since Stoneman left, the only discernible plan I can make out has been whim signings of shiny toy FA’s, with a lack of commitment to development, at least until recently with Perry. You’re welcome to educate me otherwise.

  7. 2 hours ago, T.G. said:

    I think Boras understands his players and the market just fine.  He's arguably the best at what he does. At the end of the day, his players always get paid.

    On rare occasions, I think he overplays his hand and waits too long, but that is rare.  Years ago, the Angels made a good offer out of the gate on Moustakas (when he was coming off a good run at KC).  Boras turned it down, we signed Cozart and Moustakas ended up with a one year $5 million "pillow deal" with KC....I've always thought that, if Boras had the read the market better, and been more willing to move quickly, it obviously would have worked out a whole lot better for Moose and the Angels.  But, you are right, he rarely misses. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, ShotimeDynasty said:

    I think the less exciting bullpen signings (Garcia/Cimber/Cisnero/Kolarek/Plesac) are meant to insulate prospect arms from being pushed too quickly. Guys like Joyce and Bachman likely wouldn’t have earned call ups if it weren’t for a lack of organizational depth and the desperation mode we were in thx to Shohei’s presence. If Joyce can get to consistently throwing strikes and start making some back to back appearances he will earn the callup. Bachman likely going to be SP exclusively. Cisnero looks like move that’s healthy for the org

    I wonder if Bachman isn’t a RP long term. Just can’t stay healthy. Not sure being a RP insulates you from injury but the work load of a starter is tough.

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